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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2023


But the NAS is in your house… which basically means if it gets flooded/burns down all your data is gone too.

I already have my data on my PC, a second backup inside the same house isn’t worth that much. But instead of relying on a cloud service I just rent a virtual server (for various things) and use Seafile to keep my data in sync.

PC breaks? House burns down? My data is on my own server in a datacenter. My server gets cancelled? My data is on my PCs.

So even with your NAS you are 100% reliant on a cloud backup still, so why did you get the NAS when you already have a copy of your data on your devices?

On the other hand you can lose your email address at any time if you don’t own the domain. So if Google decides they don’t like something you wrote your @gmail.com address could be gone tomorrow. And with it all your accounts you set up (as you need email usually to login or do changes).

The whole e-mail ecosystem sucks :-/

My self-hosted mail server works fine for now, but that could change at any moment.

TDD is great when you have a very narrow use case, for example an algorithm. Where you already know beforehand: If I throw A in B should come out. If I throw B in C should come out. If I throw Z in an error should be thrown. And so on.

For that it’s awesome, which is mostly algorithms.

In real CRUD apps though? You have to write the actual implementation before the tests. Because in the tests you have to mock all the dependencies you used. Come up with fake test data. Mock functions from other classes you aren’t currently testing and so on. You could try TDD for this, but then you probably spend ten times longer writing and re-writing tests :-/

After a while it boils down to: Small unit tests where they make sense. Then system wide integration tests for complex use-cases.

Honestly that’s more user friendly than 9 out of 10 application forms I’ve run into.

The best way for me to avoid this mess for now has always been an email with my pdf files attached.

And talks about a time before the internet while he looks what? 30-40 in that image?

Yes, things are bloated and slow, it’s annoying. But the article didn’t add much or go into the reasons why.