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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jul 18, 2020


There was a plan to add one, just really late in the future.

At least, before it was cancelled.

The partial eclipse is nothing special. Any given location gets one every few years or so.

Totality is the really neat and special thing, and it isn’t damaging to your eyes. (assuming you don’t pre-empt or overshoot the timing)

I mean, that is true when 100% blocked (totality)

He’s getting downvoted but he’s right.

The hubris of a dev thinking they can solve a non tech problem with tech that they know nothing about, it’s almost unmatched.

For when the text you want to replace is exactly as long as the text you want to replace it with? Wouldn’t you have to toggle it mid typing otherwise? Seems more useful to just shift+ctrl+right arrow and then type.