Non-native english speaker here, so excuse me for any abominations you read from my posts

  • 6 Posts
Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Feb 19, 2024


Sorry, I just started selfhosting and even reading that I don’t understand.

I tried to uncomment it and now I get this message when I try to start the service:

service "changedetection" refers to undefined volume WEBDRIVER_URL=http: invalid compose project

Ups, you’re right although I think I had already uncommented it without success, in a couple of hours I’ll let you know if that solves it.

I used Docker Compose to install and run []( and everything's working nice, but I want to enable Playwright content fetcher so I can specify when I want to be notified, and not just to be notified when there are even changes in the code of the site. I can toggle an option in the changedetection settings to use WebDriver Chrome/Javascript instead of the default Basic fast Plaintext/HTTP Client, but when I tried to use the Visual Filter Selection within a watched item it tells me that: >Sorry, this functionality only works with Playwright/Chrome enabled watches. Enable the Playwright Chrome fetcher, or alternatively try our very affordable subscription based service. This is because Selenium/WebDriver can not extract full page screenshots reliably. And honestly I want to try this to myself, not to just pay a subscription and that's it. So, I keep up and read through their wiki and according to [their own wiki]( while using a docker compose based Change Detection service (as I am) to enable Playwright content fetcher it's as simple as: > In docker-compose.yml uncomment PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL under environment, and the playwright-chrome section under services. I already tried that and toggle the fetching method to WebDriver Chrome/Javascript, but now instead of just not letting me using the Visual Filter Selection because of while trying to fetch any site it gives me this error: `Exception: HTTPConnectionPool(host='browser-chrome', port=4444): Max retries exceeded with url: /wd/hub/session (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fa4d42417e0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution')) ` But before of doing these changes I didn't receive any error message and everything works nice, so possibly I'm doing something wrong... Here is the [pastebin]( of the docker-compose file that I edited, I won't share it here because the format fucked the whole code.

In my country, 99% of the time you contact technical support, a poorly made bot responds (actually it is a while loop) with ambiguous and pre-written answers, and the only way to talk to a human is directly by going to the place in question, so nothing to worry about that here.

I’ve heard a lot about Proxmox and I always thought it was some kind of VPS, so I can selfhost it for myself?

And another problem that I had with my previous selfhosting attempts is that I didn’t really know how to solve my problems, I could run the script and set up my domain, but when it comes to solving some problem I really couldn’t because or there was little specific documentation of my specific problem.

For example, I remember having selfhosted Nextcloud and when I wanted to enable ffmpeg so that my videos had a miniature I found instructions on how to do it but with different selfhosting methods.

What tips or resources would you recommend to someone who knows about Linux and wants to self-host, but has no experience self-hosting?
I have several years of Linux experience and I know how to fix my own problems, and I have experience self-hosting using Docker and Docker Compose, but I really feel that I don't know how to self-host and that I just copy and paste commands without understanding it, I would really like to learn how to self-host by myself but I don't know how I can start or with what resources for newbies I can start with. I am interested in self-hosting several services, but the one I am currently most interested in is [](, as there are multiple such services but they all require a membership fee, and I prefer to self-host on my own.

Most Cloudstream extension providers do not return results
I have almost all extensions installed and most of them are working according to Cloudstream's own provider provider, but when I do a search (for example, Batman) it only returns 3 results from 3 providers, does anyone else have this problem?

It had happened to me before, it depends from book to book, try another source.

Didn’t even know that Zerotier exists, I have to check it out, thanks!

I don’t have special knowledge in this area, but I’m sure that on torrent sites (available on the Megathread) you could find courses, documentation or books on the subject.

To be honest I don’t know and I didn’t care at the time I used it either because I knew nothing about software or computer security and just listened to what some random youtuber said, but you’re probably right.

Have anyone tried Tailscale as a Hamachi alternative?
I used to use Hamachi on Windows to play "local LAN" games with my friends, has anyone tried using Tailscale for this purpose? As far as I know it should work fine, but I'm not sure and I don't have any friends to try it out with, but it makes me curious.

Friendly reminder that you can still access the site via Tor, simply access the official GoG-Games Mastodon account and copy the address where it says ‘Tor’, now copy the address into the Tor browser and that’s it!

Remember that you should not download the file through Tor, you should simply obtain the file address to download it through your regular browser.

Sometimes it takes a long time to connect or gives a connection timed out error, but at least for me it eventually works after a while.

Edit: Stop upvoting me, it seems they not only deleted the link to the tor site, but when you try to access it, it tells you that the site doesn’t exist anymore. :(

How to download music from Youtube with metadata?
I know that there are alot of Spotify downloaders that download the metadata from Spotify and then download the audio from Youtube, but currently I don't use Spotify and I have my playlists on Youtube, is there any way to add the metadata to my songs or download them with the metadata?

You are absolutely right and I had not considered your second point, after all it is a free site and it would be hosting free stuff stupidly, but it wouldn’t necessarily have to be a site hosted by someone, it could simply be a torrent index (although that would have to be hosted by someone else, but you won’t need exabytes of space or unlimited bandwidth) where the users themselves share and host the file, it would make sense? probably not at all, but on torrent you will find those who share Ubuntu ISOs and music downloaded directly from Youtube, maybe someone did something like that with NexusMods.

I don’t have the slightest problem creating accounts, my problem comes when I create an account and my inbox starts to fill up with spam, and it doesn’t matter if I delete my account, they already have my email in their database, which they are probably going to share or sell to third parties. I’m not saying it’s the case of Nexusmods, honestly it’s the first time I use it in my life, but there are millions of websites, how can I trust one or the other? Simple, I don’t, that’s why I use temporary emails and email maskers.

I love when people assume things beforehand.

For future reference, you can create an account with a Simplelogin forward mail!

From the beginning I assumed it wasn’t possible but maybe someone knew something I didn’t, like those pages (not sure if they still work) to download Steam Workshop files without a Steam account or without having the game at all. Or maybe there was a Kemono(dot)party style repository where users who have access to paid Patreons voluntarily upload the paid files there for everyone to enjoy.

Fucking thanks! I don’t understand at all why but you’re right! Simplelogin domain is not detected as ‘invalid’ and I can create an account without any problem!

Edit: I’m a free user.

Download from Nexusmods without account
I just want to download an Oblivion mod but honestly I don't want to create an account there just for one mod and both temporary mails like 10 Minutes Mail and forward email services like Addy are detected as invalid mails. I also tried searching for userscripts that bypass the account requirement to download mods, but as expected, there were none. Maybe there is some kind of repository where these mods are archived?