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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Well I cant say specifically to your setup. But I have an old server that I use as a hypervisor running Proxmox. On it I have an OPNsense VM Ive been running for years now. I dont do any crazy pass thru stuff. I just added each NIC as a normal network device bridged to the specific hardware port. I also use it as a Reverse Proxy for all my internal service such as Emby.

HP VARs were calling me and wanting to do business and they do. (Not Printers, servers and that kind of stuff.)
I keep telling them I wont even look at their stuff due to HP anti consumer practices.

Personally I do both. My VPS takes care of stuff like DNS, Email, Webhosting, and a couple of light services such as Syncplay.
I use the Control Panel called ISPconfig for DNS email webhosting and etc.

Then I have Proxmox at home behind a reverse proxy for services such as Emby, Game servers, NAS, Mumble DJ Bot.