zeus ⁧ ⁧ ∽↯∼

Il faut imaginer Camus hébété.


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


well that’s better than i expected[1]. thank you for answering!

  1. (although worse than i’d hoped; i’ve stopped using webp altogether, even though it’s objectively better. i think jpeg-xl will be available on chrome soon after hd-dvds are playable on playstations) ↩︎

just out of interest db0, did this thread in any way change your opinion on webp?[1] i’m just constructing a pet theory on internet discussions

(sorry to necro an old thread, and i’m sure you have other things on your plate right now; i’m just interested)

(also completely off-topic; i’m surprised your blog still has the wordpress favicon. i would have thought you of all people would have changed that)

  1. or tumblr, for that matter ↩︎

i was always a fan of cream the rabbit, myself

(mostly because i’m immature enough that the name makes me laugh)

i’d never noticed how much the twitter logo looks like an upside-down sonic the hedgehog

one colour sonic silhouette logo upside-down twitter logo being impaled by the new x logo

You’re using an analogy as the basis for an argument. That’s not what analogies are for. Analogies are useful explanatory tools, but only within a limited domain

actually that’s exactly what i was using it for.

Kicking a baby is not the same[1] as creating an artwork, so there are areas in which they don’t map to each other.

if you read carefully, you’ll see that writing is analogous to creating an artwork, and kicking a baby is analogous to doing something that someone has asked you not to, and you’re continuing anyways. if you read even more carefully, you’ll see that i implied i wasn’t making a moral comment on ai, piracy, or even kicking babies

You can’t dodge flaws in your argument by adding a “don’t respond unless you agree with me” clause on your comment.

i didn’t intend to. i did it so i wouldn’t have to waste my time arguing with those who don’t understand analogies. however i seem to be doing that anyways, so if you’ll excuse me, i’m going to stop

edit: okay, i’ve been reading the rest of this thread, and you clearly don’t understand analogy. i have no idea why you clicked on my comment

  1. yes. analogous doesn’t mean “the same”. it means "able to draw demonstrative parallels between ↩︎

Are you really surprised I’m replying to you when you keep replying?

well yes, actually. i have time to sit down over breakfast, read a few articles, maybe reply to a few comments

you clearly live such a busy lifestyle you haven’t time to read an article before making an asinine comment

And yes, you are merely confirming my point. There is no use for me personally. I would only have to use it and endure slower internet so that others benefit. Still doesn’t change the fact that for me personally there is no advantage. You can argue all you want but that’s what it comes down to for most people.

well that’s a pretty fuckin stupid viewpoint in my opinion. “i’m not going to help protect the careers and possibly lives of people in authoritarian countries, because i’d have to install a programme and possibly even launch it a couple of times per month”. running folding@home did me no advantage, i still did it.

And if you keep replying I’ll keep replying. No need to be surprised about that.

don’t worry, i won’t be. i was being flippant because i thought you an idiot, but it turns out you’re willfully ignorant.

i’m not making a moral comment on anything, including piracy. i’m saying “but it’s part of my established workflow” is not an excuse for something morally wrong.

only click here if you understand analogy and hyperbole

if i say “i can’t write without kicking a few babies first”, it’s not an excuse to keep kicking babies. i just have to stop writing, or maybe find another workflow

Thing is… if I have to do that for every time someone linkdrops an article, I’ll have no time left in my day.

if you spent less time writing comments about articles you haven’t read, you might have more time. do you do this in other walks of life? wander into restaurants you’ve never eaten at and announce “i don’t think there’s really any reason to order the fish”?

And it seems I was right that I have no real reason to use tor.

okay, i’ll sum the article up for you. the more people that use tor, the more it protects vulnerable people. journalists writing exposés about corrupt governments, refugees trying to flee, etc. the more normal people using tor, the more they get lost in the crowd. it’s nothing to do with whether you have any reason to use tor, that’s irrelevant. by using it, you’re helping those in vulnerable positions. happy? now go write something inciteful

pirating photoshop is a well-understood part of many peoples’ workflows. that doesn’t make it legal or condoned by adobe

okay. perhaps instead of wasting your time writing an entire paragraph, you should read the article and you’ll find out that that entire paragraph was irrelevant

it’s actually not an article about the pros and cons of tor. it could not be summed up in bullet points about the pros and cons of tor

i’ll admit to being a little facetious before, but i implore you to read articles before commenting on them

lemm.ee was talking about using cloudflare (i can’t remember whether he went through with it), which will almost certainly implement this. lemmy.world already does. there is no good outcome from this going through where this only blocks google sites from firefox.

even if there was, that still means you can’t open any gdrive links you find on the internet, use a youtube tutorial to fix something, use the play store to buy any apps (because if they integrate this into chrome, they will integrate it into the play store), etc.

edit 2023-08-10:

hey guess what engywuck, lemm.ee uses cloudflare now:

image showing the cloudflare "edge ip restricted" page for lemm.ee

good luck accessing lemm.ee from non-chromium if this goes through

in fact view you probably won’t be able to view any embedded youtube videos at all. people would have to go back to hosting their own videos which would push hosting costs up, which would raise the barrier of entry to people making their own sites. which is something we want to encourage

this is a userscript that i’m using, and has the option to enable open all links in new tab. i also found this whilst searching for it just now, but i haven’t used it

but what device are you using that doesn’t have a mouse, trackpad, or ctrl key?

yeah, that’s a preference not a default. feel free to configure your preferences howsoever you prefer. if it’s a configurable preference it’s not a dark pattern, it’s just an option

Bird, Elephant, and now Fish. Elephant and Fish can be friends, Bird can fuck off.

now that’s a quote i want on a sticker with no context

the whole archived article is worth reading as well - i particularly like

Reddit user malsomnus hails it as the best change since the quest to depose Quackion, the Aspect of Ducks.

i personally think it’s a terrible default. a normal link i can easily choose to open here, in a new tab, or in a new window. target=“_blank” removes that choice, and forces me to open it how the site dev wishes

I’ve always seen it as a dark pattern to keep users on the site (like bing uses it[1]). it was really nice to see lemmy not doing that. it’s weird to see people calling it sensible

  1. see also old reddit doing the user friendly thing of same tab, new reddit opening a new tab ↩︎

this seems like a really odd choice. admittedly the old name wasn’t great, it sounded like spreadsheet software.

but they’ve gone from a name that was the top search result to one that will never be, because the current top search result for “firefish” is a recruitment company that can put a lot more money into seo than they can; and a name that most people who would use it (techies & early adopters) will immediately assume is a firefox fork or mozilla product

in isolation it’s not a bad name, and i really like the new logo; but it just seems like a poor choice

you can do that with a userscript if you want to keep the lemmy interface

although i do not understand why people like this. just middle click instead?

yeah exactly. that’s why i don’t like webp. i’ve nothing against it as a format, i would just rather use image format that’s not backed by said corpo

i don’t.[1] but like it or not, chrome dictates what the internet does now. there’s no point in sites hosting jpegxl images if ~3% of their users will see it, and there’s no point in firefox developing a decoder if no sites host jpegxl. so even though it’s objectively better, and is highly supported by non-browser programmes; it has no recourse for gaining traction on the web

  1. an 88x31 button reading "same shit, different arsehole" with the internet explorer, chrome, and brave logos in fact, i loudly decry it to anyone who will listen. but the number of non-chromium browsers i can count on my fingers. ↩︎

i personally have had no compatibility issues with webp - i would just rather my image formats are not owned by google, really. i would much rather use jpegxl, but chrome doesn’t support it because it competes with webp and we couldn’t have that, could we.

but also it’s that webp only works if you convert to webp manually, i find. their automatic conversion just ruins the colours (particularly on pixel art). plus, i do actually prefer png. i can edit what i want in a hex editor, whereas i can’t seem to do that with webp.

i have a browser extension that refuses webp, so i get served png where possible; but i can’t make sure that images i upload are served as png for others

nah, i don’t even really use tumblr because it is so painful to use. actually, it was their link shortener that was the last straw[1]. i’m just saying i don’t think it’s a site that can ever exist again.

reddit is just a link aggregator, that’s easy to recreate. twitter is just individual paragraphs, as long as there are people any site will work. tumblr is so broken that it’s used exclusively by people who started using it in the 00s, when it was popular, and never left. they’re not really what i’d call friends, more monkeys in a zoo to laugh at. but as it’s so broken and opaque to start using, it was never marauded by children; so everyone on there is in their 30s but pretending they’re not.

it’s a coincidence that can never happen again, as any alternative site would first be used by techie early adopters, who would be on average younger than most of the tumblr userbase. maybe we’ll get another tumblr in 10 years though

  1. and the fact that they convert every bleeding image into a webp ↩︎

i don’t think there can be. tumblr’s draw isn’t any features it has (apart from maybe homepage customisation, but you get that with a website) it’s the features it lacks (algorithms, etc). and it’s the community, which was curated by a lot of coincidences at the right time.

you’d need to get everyone to up and move at once, with the ability to reblog posts from old tumblr. i think it’s unreplicatable

when they burned the library of Alexandria the crowd cheered in horrible joy. They understood that there was something older than wisdom, and it was fire, and something truer than words, and it was ashes

- @yurirando, 2022

i understand the schadenfreude of watching these awful companies collapse, i really do. i experience it as well. but i can’t help but baulk at how much data is being lost. assuming 99% of it is worthless, that’s still millions of ideas that are lost forever.

a few years ago there were (albeit obviously wrong at the time, but nevertheless) questions about “is this the last generation of archæology? all info is now stored forever on the internet” - and now, countless links go to a facebook page i need to log in to see, or a tweet that’s unreachable because twitter’s ddos’ed itself. years of tech support on reddit, and anonymously uploaded art on imgur. the work web.archive.org and archive.is are doing is invaluable, but it will never be enough.

i want to watch the corporations burn too. but we’re losing something we’ll never get back.