• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


I want to be independent. My understanding is that Tail scale relies on a service they run or a endpoint you run on a VPS - Is that right?

Yeah been using No-ip free but I worry that one day I will forget to confirm and ill ge cut-off.

Yeah maybe I need to consider this.

Be aware of the risks of hosting your websites publicly from home, make sure to run them in very isolated environments. Having your VPS compromised is bad, but having your home network compromised is much worse!

Agree - Not something I will throw myself into.

Yes I use no-ip but have to confirm the domain name every month or so and cant use my own domain on the free tier. (Maybe im just being cheap) - Also I haven’t been able to figure out how I would use / get SSL certificates.

Wow thanks everyone. I think I need to take another look at some of the DynDNS provides and digest all your great feedback.

Id like to go beyond personal self hosting stuff and maybe run some stuff that requires Federation. Im just thinking at the moment.

Dynamic IP - Self hosting
Im sure this has been asked before i juat can't find where it has been - Maybe need to work on how to search Lemmy better. But... Id like to eventually self host some sevices that require external access. While I have IpV6 addresses my IPV4 is dynamic. Whats the best free way to be able to point some domains/ subdomains I have to my external dynamic IP and keep it updated. Im running OpenWrt on my router. - So possibly should be posting there. Free Dyndns services seem to be a bit crap. Do I need to pay for a VPS? (seems to defeat the point of self hosting)

I guess it depends if you want to put edge compute in each room. os just audio freeds to something central. But long term I’d avoid anything that uses any propriety service.

My two cents : Id make sure anything you got was based on Bluetooth audio and had a microphone. Then what ever you link them together with software wise doesn’t matter. You could put them together and run HomeAssistant or Openvoiceos for interaction or just have a media player running somewhere that feeds each room.

Yes definitely. Trust is the key

Im ‘between’ jobs at the moment. opportunities for connecting through community projects is attractive right now.

Interesting - I will have a look at disroot.org. Im not immediately understanding them but thats probably because where I encounter it I try to read whats available in Spanish to start.

Yeah I have some friends. Id like to make it easier for them. (With some recognition as well)

Yeah this was what I was thinking. Interested in what people have out there. I dont like reinventing the wheel - Id probably make it an irregular polygon

Useful I have some of this but not other bits. A bit morbid but Im interested in what the break glass mechanism would be.

Yeah . Im good with writing and try to keep things up to date ( try being the word)

Im also trying to template and standardise - Maybe need to think about a deployment process or something.

Design patterns
Just a bit or a wandering mind on my part but one of the issues in the back of my mind is what happens to whatever self hosting I setup if something happens to me. Ideally I'd like to be able to know that in case of emergency Id be able rely on a good friend or two to keep things going. My thought was that would require some common design patterns/ processes and standardisation. I also have these thoughts because eventually Id like to support other family members with self hosted services at their places. Standardising hardware, configurations etc makes that much simpler. How have others approached this?

i have to admit i was just trying to see if I could find the post using Mastodon. I had a moment where I wondered how lemmy posts look via Mastodon. Perhaps i deserved it .

Ive been thinking about #dnsregistrars and #ssl certificates lately. Does anyone know a #coop #registrar ?