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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


The phone isn’t going to end up in China from people passing them hand to hand; they’re going to be collected somewhere and bundled for shipping in an EM-protected covering of some sort. The record of the route they took right up until they go silent will be available for every phone. Looking at an aggregate map of this data should give the police a pretty good idea of what’s going on.

I suspect the difficulty is that the police need to get a data release from each individual involved and then get Google/Apple and/or the owners to voluntarily share the historical location data with the police… which most people aren’t willing to do out of an abundance of caution.

Just replace “Elections BC” with “BC Taxpayers” please… we’re the ones who foot that bill, despite never having told them to form a party in the first place (in fact, kind of the opposite)….

Whoever is in charge when assessments start again is going to be instantly unpopular.

Just remember that there’s a difference between good,truthful information from untrusted sources and mostly truthful information designed to deceive or misdirect.

I see enough “news” presented inaccurately from “trusted” sources to take all reporting with a grain of salt, but also find value in reading reports from varying viewpoints to try and identify the actual established facts.

That’s not actually true… I can remember when Social Credit was elected, and not too long ago Green was required to form a coalition after the Liberals started to fall apart… because of the Conservatives.

In general, BC has been a 3-4 party system, with one of three being in power.

It’s the influence of the US mindset of “Elect the premier!” that’s shifted us towards a two party system in the recent cycle… well, that and the total collapse of the BC Libs. All of that has of course been enhanced by FPTP, which encourages adversarial politics.

Let’s re-title that to “Owners are losing access to smartphone app updates and product features when companies go bust”

It’s exactly how Cloud SaaS is designed. It was a bad idea to do it with your smoke detector and smart lock, and it’s still a bad idea with automobiles.

Ah, so you went for a phone battery in the end.

Sure. If it were well made, had a good safety record, affordable replacement parts and didn’t phone home.

Same considerations I give to any other car.

The land may belong to the US, but Florida is filled with Canadians. Mostly old white Canadians who lean hard right.

I see no issues with the officer returning to active duty… assuming that duty is behind a desk and totally unrelated to anything that could cause a conflict of interest with this investigation.

Normally I’d say “put them on suspended leave until the investigation is complete” for everyone’s benefit — but I also want to make sure this investigation is thorough, which may take more time than it would take for the officer to go through rehabilitation and return to work.

If it is later found that the officer was negligent in their duties, then they should go to jail for manslaughter, just like anyone else. After all, they are supposedly trained to handle this sort of situation.

If the officer was following protocol at all times, then they need counselling and rehabilitation and the Edmonton Police need their protocols overhauled and some consequences including stricter oversight. If it turns out there were actual threats uttered and an indication of threat of immediate harm to the officer, then that information needs to be made public following the investigation.

Let me provide you with a short form history:

Palestine was an independent region.

After WWII, to provide a protected enclave for Jewish people, the Allies took part of that territory and gave it to the Jewish people.

The expected clashes arose, and the Jews and Palestinians in the region disputed what areas should belong to each group. Compromises were made, neither group was happy.

The nation of Israel was formed, as was the Palestinian territory. Israel refused to recognize Palestine as a political entity.

Then began a 70+ year push by Israel (not all Jewish people) to claw back and settle other bits of the Davidic Israel for the modern Israeli nation, taking this land from the Palestinians who lived there.

In one particular area, Israel controlled all access to Palestinian land, and set up Hamas to govern it in reaction to a terrorist organization that had been operating in the area. Palestinians elected Hamas to govern as they provided stability and protection from both Israel and the terrorists.

Then no more elections were held for over 20 years and Hamas turned into the exact organization they were set up to oppose.

Eventually, with the backing of Iran, Hamas moved to an all-out war on Israel, hiding within Palestinian citizenry.

Israel responded by actively destroying any location known to be linked to Hamas activity, regardless of the impact on innocent bystanders with nowhere to go.

So it doesn’t matter if you lay the blame for first move at Hamas’ feet… we’re talking about Israel destroying Palestinian infrastructure here.

Hamas has the entire Gaza Strip held hostage, and Israel is responding by killing those hostages and destroying their infrastructure, to root out Hamas insurgents that are hiding among them.

I think the logic goes like this:

Hamas is made up of Palestinian civilians. Therefore, any civilian infrastructure in a Palestinian area is de facto Hamas infrastructure and must be eliminated.

I would be more than happy if the two major federal parties were CF and the NDP, representing between them what the majority of Canadians actually want. Greens would be a good centrist party if they could keep enough strong leaders in the party.

What Conservatives and Liberals know how to do is sell themselves. Actually governing has become secondary.

Have the Canadian Future Party members looked at the NDP’s platform recently?

Does this include pollution from natural causes like wildfires?

Why on earth would we believe the Liberals this time just because they changed their name?

I still remember when they got voted in on a platform that included rejecting the HST… only to have them implement the HST without telling anyone.

And like was already mentioned… I WANT public healthcare, a functional road network, resource management that will still have resources to manage in a decade, and all the other things my tax dollars pay for. Income tax is already stratified and based on a percent of income in the tax bracket. Since we’re going to have to start footing a bigger bill each year to deal with global warming (wildfires, floods, slides, water shortages, electricity shortages, vanishing glaciers, migrating wildlife, viral outbreaks), I’d like there to be enough money flowing in to handle all that.

All fine until they’re the ones who don’t consent to something and they find themselves in Russia with no rights.

I’d also highly recommend reading https://endsoftwarepatents.org/2023/04/googles-decision-to-deprecate-jpeg-xl-emphasizes-the-need-for-browser-choice-and-free-formats/ — more than features and future proofing, the big issue here is patents. Google controls the patents for AVIF.

Then again, I use HEIF, which is alternately patent encumbered, and default to PNG and SVG for web-facing graphics.

This is the interesting bit to me:

What’s more, the “Republicans for Harris” rollout is apparently about more than simply including names on a list. The Associated Press reported that the program will be a “campaign within a campaign,” using well-known Republicans “to activate their networks, with a particular emphasis on primary voters who backed former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley.

Big question is: who’s storing the email, you or them? Your mail clients handle POP3 and IMAP as well as SMIME and GPG so the server doesn’t have to have any special features itself.

Since you want something your wife can manage, stay away from the forwarders. Whatever you choose, check Spamhaus and SURBL to see if the provider has a history of getting on their lists.

Make sure you select one that can stay in business providing email service, so you don’t have to worry about the company collapsing/being bought out/pushing ads/selling PII/bundling mail with some more lucrative service.

Color blindness perpetuates structural racism. On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a goldfish.

There’s the cultural issues, but those aren’t limited to African Americans vs White Americans on the Internet.

Your rules should apply to everyone, including those two groups. The trickier part is dealing with privilege.

I guess it is in the “…and abetting” sense of the term….

Crazily, there still are some. There were a lot more in the 1970s, and Greenpeace has been a huge part of the reason why that changed.

No, I’m not. That’s beside the point.

The goal is to stop violence to marine mammals, especially whales.

We have over fifty years of evidence showing that being violent to whalers doesn’t accomplish this goal, while blockades, media coverage and international pressure, along with helping people identify with whales and encouraging boycotts of whale-derived products does.

That’s the reason Greenpeace believes in peaceful protest, and it’s the reason why over the decades, the Sea Shepherd Society has also come around to that position.

What we SHOULD be doing is applying more pressure to Japan; they’ve reneged on the International agreement, and there should be international financial and political consequences for this.

It’s also worth noting that this arrest warrant was made before Japan broke the treaty.

This is a useful read irrespective of the climate angle; it could apply to any topic in a news room, and identifies how much the organizational structure will affect which journalism is effective.

Neither do I.

But I also don’t care for people who turn to violence to get their way when the empirical evidence already shows that other legal and semi-legal actions are more effective at achieving the intended goal.

Save the violence for when it will make a difference.

I don’t usually consider people who have been intentionally breaking the law for over forty years to be victims, even if they’re doing it for a worthwhile cause. He knew exactly what he was doing and what the consequences would be. Hopefully he saved some whales while doing it.

Otherwise, he’d still be doing peaceful protests with Greenpeace. And would be getting arrested for that, instead, which would make a bigger difference in international law.

Watson left Greenpeace because he believed whalers could only be stopped through “direct action” - meaning, violence and sabotage. Eventually, the new organization he founded realized that you had to win hearts and minds, not be a thorn in the side of whalers. So he left the group he had founded as well, still certain that only through direct action could the whales be saved.

He evaded arrest for 14 years; the other person involved was arrested on site, stood trial in Japan, and was released with a suspended sentence, all back in 2012.

Another well balanced article on what’s happening here is available at https://theconversation.com/former-sea-shepherd-captain-paul-watson-arrested-on-a-japanese-warrant-from-2012-what-next-235965

Funny thing here is that “Septuagenarian American anti-whaling activist who left Greenpeace to form a more extremist group arrested yet again for his actions” would also be an accurate headline.

If his approach was more effective I might support him, but he seems to give whaling supporters as much fodder to escalate things as he gives whale supporters visibility. I’m not sure how many whales his actions have actually saved.

Because of how politics works in Canada, it is still possible with today’s numbers for all the other parties to form a coalition government and elect someone else leader that’s not PP.

In India, even the tuktuk drivers think they’re driving BMWs.

The problem with identity politics is that as soon as your identity is tarnished, you’ve lost.

Really? If people in India stopped honking horns, how on earth would you know when to jump out if the way? The entire traffic flow in parts of India is based around always being able to hear what types of vehicles are where.

Seems like an obvious “disturbing the peace” infraction that could escalate if the person doesn’t stop when asked to by the police.

Not to mention, there are probably city bylaws in place around extended idling (pollution laws).

Not sure that the charge lines up perfectly with the behaviour though.