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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Pro tip: -z, -j are not needed by tar anymore since many years, tar will autodetect what compression was used if your distro is anything remotely modern.


I’ve actually thought for a while now that a big software company should come out and say they support ReactOS for whatever their product is and advertise it like “Full, Oracle 23c DB support on ReactOS - but without the Microsoft tax.”

Yes, that’s not realistic between Oracle and MS, but it would be such a boon to ReactOS.

This drove me up the wall. And, I hate to admit it, but I’ve let Apple win. I use Windoze for work so I’ve swapped @ and " to be the same as Apple UK, and if I run Linux I choose the Apple UK layout as well. It’s just…easier rather than having to reset my muscle memory every day.

I’ll make it spin my desktop cube, force every window to move slightly so they wobble and play Louis Theroux’s lyric Jiggle Jiggle.

Why? Just because Windows uses can’t.

creating an app that essentially copped their proprietary OS

The OS hasn’t been ‘copped’. They emulated the protocol, and your lack of understanding and confusing the two has led us to having this conversation.

Because you’re confusing the difference between an OS, an application and a protocol.

This is nothing to do with the OS.

He has a point though, you haven’t refuted that.

Why? As the article states this actually lessens security for everyone (including iPhone users).

An OpenVPN profile generator with valid client certificate and the private key never leaves the client workstation.

  • Client browser logs in with their IPA creds + OTP.
  • Browser generates key pair and CSR (all stored in session storage)
  • Node requests certificate for user from IPA using CSR, returns cert to browser.
  • Browser combines new certificate with CA cert and the private key into the OpenVPN profile.
  • Browser downloads the OpenVPN profile file.

I don’t think you need to learn it, you just need to use one command. Even from a CMD prompt you can invoke powershell and a powershell cmdlet in a one-liner:

powershell send-mailmessage -from "me@somedomain.co.uk" -To "me@someotherdomain.co.uk" -subject "Test to me" -smtpserver My.Mail.Server.co.uk

Curious, how will AWS be affected? I’m not familiar with all of Hashicorp’s tools. Mostly just Terraform (and obvs AWS had Cloud Formation, then CDK - they even worked with HashiCorp I believe to build CDKTF).

You went with Excel files as your database??? Are you Satan?

Correct. You know how JavaScript is not Java? Same thing. If memory serves me correctly there was a bit of a race to be the next Windows script language between NT4 and 2000 (to replace batch), and it was between VBScript and Kixtart (the former won out).