Does it ever bother you that this place is full of nitwits and trolls, many of whom make Reddit seem civilized and well-managed by comparison?
Yeah, me neither.

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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2024


If magnets, then there’s less info in the link itself (compared to a .torrent) and that needs to be located. If availability is shit, that will be hard/impossible.

“I shouldn’t have to use permissions or sudo, just all root all the time”

N64, and this is the one I actually grew up with. They took a chance, they fucked up by making an alien spaceship three-pronged dildoesque monstrosity, that wore out at mach speed - especially by normal gameplay in certain (coughMarioParty1cough) games. While I have tons of love and nostalgia for N64 and several games on it, it can’t excuse the controller itself.