Physics, coding and black metal.

Vyssiikkaa, koodausta ja bläck metallia.

Apparently also politics when it doesn’t devolve into screaming into aether.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Bird species, most of the time. I look for a bird that seems to have some connection with the intended purpose of the box, then use that. e.g. my work computer’s hostname is cormorant.

I guess it would’ve been a bulletting board system that people used a 14k modem to connect to, one at a time, and it would completely block the phone line.

My parents weren’t thrilled, but hey, we had a message board and LORD running there.

I am placing careful (nevermind that, this seems very nice) interest in this.

Few questions (since I’m on mobile, and it’ll take me a while to get back to my computer to find out for myself):

  • How does managing sieve work with this?
  • Does it play along with rspamd?
  • Is it tested on x64_64 only?
  • Does it support PGP, can email be encrypted-at-rest using this?
  • Is there a way to run this behind a reverse proxy that handles the certificates? I’m not too keen on dealing with two separate sets of those in separate places.
  • Does this require LDAP?

If missing, are those on roadmap?

RPi uses a lot of software hacks to get its low-cost hardware running. It is certainly doable on other distros, but using anything but the official ones on RPi is asking for trouble, and you better know how to deal with device trees, etc.

If you want SBC that is more standard-compliant and has better mainline driver support you should look at e.g. Pine64’s SBCs, such as RockPro64.