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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


they are often expensive and not everyone can afford those

the average costumer and mobile data plans which are **mostly certainly inevitably caped **

I’m sure you know a lot about the pricing and internet caps across the entire world. 🙄

Yes, that sounds very much like the other descriptions of the issue that I’ve come across.

while artists get very little payout from it

This! I’ve seen people claim they like Spotify because it’s legal and you support the artist that way, but the actual money they get from each song-listening is comically miniscule compared to the profit from the traditional mediums (vinyl/CD).

Some stuff is too obscure to be on Youtube, and IIRC the bitrate there is only 192kbps. It’s acceptable as far as I care, but I would still look for better rips if available.