• 7 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 11, 2023


Given her condition it’s possible she never left hospital after her diagnosis

Read the article again. It said early on her chances were actually quite good, something like 80%

The first point is correct. The second one is shown to be wrong in the second paragraph.

The issue here is you need to have stopped 6 months or more before, and she was only diagnosed 5 months before she died.

They said it was viable in the early stages, and with a decent success rate. Just not the success rate they wanted, and for some daft reasons you need to be eligible for a full transplant from a dead patient to get a partial transplant from a living donor. Makes no sense.

Yes these people should indeed be killed for letting another human die for no good reason.

Has lesser liver performance? What? Do you understand how a living transplant works? You both regrow a full liver after the procedure, because livers are so regenerative you can make a full one from less than half. This makes no sense to me.

Also she quit for 5 months after she found out she had liver failure.

Their boyfriend was willing to be a living donor for them. So you aren’t talking about a scarce resource here.

Their boyfriend volunteered as a live donor. They weren’t asking to be put on the general register.

Wait what happens if you admit to smoking weed? I thought we had doctor patient confidentiality. I’ve had some mental issues in the past, though not to the point of self harm. What happens if I admit these? I also live in the UK and this is concerning.

That’s absurd. Refusing someone a transplant because they used to drink more than 3 drinks a week before they knew they even had liver problems is completely absurd. Calling her an alcoholic for that is even more absurd. What in the world are these people or you thinking?

I believe that’s an established procedure. Both the donor and the recipient regrow full livers from the portion they have. You can only donate once though because of how the new liver tissue is structured. I believe the arteries in the new one aren’t in the same place.

Edit: if you read the article it actually tells you her boyfriend was willing to be a live donor.

Why doesn’t lemmy at least have pinned comments and flairs? Seems like a serious omission to me.

You’re still trying to weasel out of being wrong. It’s not an archive nor is it compressed. Go read what a Portable Executable is. It’s not about being diplomatic or whatever. Just admit you’re wrong and go and read about how it actually works. You might learn something.

Bruh an exe is not an archive. Some just happen to contain an archive, not all. As me and the other guy discovered some archive utilities can read them, but what they are doing is closer to a binary analysis tool than unpacking an actual archive. It’s not about being nerdy, it’s about getting your facts right.

Okay that’s actually slightly different from what I was expecting. Does the .text file contain machine code or assembly language by any chance? It seems the archive program can pull out the executable code as well, similar to the binary analysis tools I have worked with.

.reloc is probably the relocation table used by the OS to load the program into an address space.

Mate I saw the blind leading the blind and had to step in. You could have actually opened some exes on Linux as the other guy suggests. In fact I am surprised you never noticed your system presenting that option. It just isn’t actual proof of what they said, even if it appears like it. In fact I am a bit lost how neither of you realized something weird was going on. On what planet would an executable format being a zip file make any sense? Exes actually can include several executable formats.

There are things like self extracting archives that make this all more confusing. They are basically an archive with an extraction program in the same file. Installer exes work in a similar way too. Not all exes can be extracted since not all of them contain secret hidden archives or extra resources.

There actually are tools to show you the contents of an executable file, and you could probably learn a lot by using one. They contain more than just a blob of machine code like one might assume. Often they contain data as well, and instructions and information on how to load the executable like what memory layout to use.

I am annoyed that people upvoted the other guy without double checking as well. Now we have more people walking around spreading misinformation just because of some guy on Lemmy. This is why things like climate change become contentious issues. People come to their own conclusions based on partial information, and since it appears to make sense without proper investigation it gets spread around like wildfire. It’s only when you actually know what’s going on at a deeper level that it becomes possible to spot the flaws in the reasoning.

You are actually correct. They can contain archived files or resources that can be unpacked with an archive program (including on Linux btw), but they aren’t just a zip file. That’s why my Linux archive manager (ark I think) offer to open one, but won’t execute it. They can see the extra content even if they can’t execute the file as intended.

Just because they open in 7-Zip or whatever doesn’t mean they are just a zip file. There are several kinds of archives. EXEs are a special case as well. They aren’t archives at all. Rather they can contain archives or extra content along with being an executable. One reason is self extracting archives. Here an archive is packaged with an extraction program as an exe all in one. The other case is exes that have extra resources like images, videos, graphics textures, etc. Either way it’s an executable plus some extra stuff, not a zip archive. DLLs I am not sure about, but I suspect something similar is happening here.

Next time you should research stuff before posting it on Lemmy. Things are sometimes more complicated than they appear.

docx you are correct about though. Specifically it’s a zip file that contains XML files and resources.

Edit: I actually found an article on self extracting archives, it’s quite an interesting technology to be fair even if it causes confusion: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_compression

That’s not at all what I am saying. I am saying that Gen Z aren’t as tech illiterate as people seem to think and using myself as an example.

Point being I’ve used tech from the era before smartphones.

Most ISPs I have seen these days actually block stuff properly. DNS hacks are no longer sufficient. Luckily VPNs are cheap these days.

Weirdly enough I have never used that feature. Only found out about it after I started using Usenet and the *arr stack. Now if I want to search for something manually I use Prowlarr that allows me to search both Usenet and Bittorrent at the same time.

The rest of the time Radarr or Sonarr finds it for me.

Usenet seems to work really well, and can be surprisingly cheap. Try FrugalUsenet. If you want both VPN and Usenet then try something like Eweka. They do deals where you get both Usenet access and a cheap VPN. It’s about €105 for 15 months or €6.99 per month.

I was born in 2001. I didn’t use a smartphone until I was like 16. We grew up with regular computers too. I also grew up with Windows XP and 7, as well as playing Doom using DosBox. Then again I am a computer science graduate, so maybe not the best example.

Depending on what battery protection modes are in play, many have smart charging or other features designed to prolong life. Also a fair few batteries come out with greater than design capacity from the factory. It’s called a design capacity and not an absolute capacity for a reason. A phone battery that left the factory at 110% could conceivably still be at or above 100%.

Fyi it’s not overnight charging that’s the issue either, it’s charging to 100%. What one device consider 100% varies and devices will essentially lie to you about it. 4.2V is normally considered 100% full for Lithium Cobalt Oxide batteries yet some devices push higher than this while others skirt under to pad capacity and cycle life respectively. It’s about tradeoffs.

So you do include ephemeral state that’s a copy of database data? If we were including that then every non-static website has plenty of state, but so does every web server. Whatever definition you are using must be quite odd.

I don’t write web applications for a living and I especially don’t write front ends. I do have to ask though:

What information are you actually keeping in the front end or web server? Surely you don’t need any ephemeral state that isn’t already stored in the browser and/or for you like the URL or form details. Only thing I can think of is the session ID, and that’s normally a server side thing.

I mean I’ve written web sites where there is no JavaScript at all, and the server is stateless or close to it. It’s not a difficult thing to do even. All the actual information is in the database, the web server fetches it, embedds it into a HTML template, and sends it to the client. Client doesn’t store anything and neither does the server. Unless I really don’t understand what you mean by state. You might keep some of your server fetches data from another server using REST or SOAP but that’s only used once as well.

The whole conversation was about backend being similar because you can write a stateless server. Have you forgotten? The issue here is a backend isn’t just one service, you can write a stateless service but you are in fact just moving the statefulness to the database server. The whole backend isn’t simpler than the front-end for that reason. It might be simpler for other reasons, though many popular websites need complex backends.

I am not arguing that a stateless service isn’t a useful concept. I get why people might want that. That’s not what this conversation is about. It’s about the backend vs frontend. Backend to me includes databases and other support services.

You still have to consider ACID vs BASE when choosing a database software/provider. It comes from CAP theorem.

If that’s how people want to talk about it they can, but you can’t eliminate statefulness from the whole stack.

Yes that’s a stateless service but not a stateless backend. A backend to me is everything that doesn’t run on the client, including the database. Databases are not stateless, even distributed databases are not stateless. You can’t just spin up more databases without thinking about replication and consistency.

The only nuances here seem to be: a) very simple websites need little state (but still aren’t stateless) and b) that you can move the state around to make something look stateless within a narrow view.

How am I being obtuse? You have been trying to trivialise the backend and now frontend as well. Backend isn’t just writing PHP or whatever, it’s setting up database servers, authentication proxies, and all that stuff. Not everything can be stateless.

That data has to be stored somewhere though. So you would still need some kind of database server to store it all or some other solution. That’s what I mean by outsourcing state. Data is still stored in the backend, just in a database rather than a web server.

Doesn’t SPA require polling the web server for more information? I feel like any website which retains information outside of the client device (like anything with a login page) would require state to be stored somewhere on the backend.

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Real debird issues
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Should I use authentik with or without nginx proxy manager?
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Working around lack of router settings
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Music streaming for BSD
Hello based people of lemmy, I have recently started trying out BSDs as an alternative to Linux and found out that Spotify isn't supported. Before you say try it in a browser this doesn't work as spotify has DRM that doesn't work on BSD OSes. Now is there a way to stream music similar to Spotify? I know there is a downloader program available. Furthermore do you know what self-hosted options are available? I already have a basic *arr stack and am always up for convoluted server and Linux hijinks.

Jellyfin on FreeBSD
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