I am a trans woman (she/her) in my late forties, living in the middle of nowhere in Scotland with my husband, puppy and three cats. I am poly, pan, queer, kinky and witchy but despite all that I mostly live a quiet life. I enjoy watching esports, cooking, music, photography and techy stuff.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


All I will say is: wait till it encounters a Scottish accent. Sigh

All the more reason for them to be transparent, name the problem, remove the affected stock from sale, set up some kind of recovery and/or compensation service, and write off the loss. Otherwise “SanDisk” will mean “you have shit on your shoe” forever. In the storage space a brand has to mean “safe” or its dead.

Maybe they are still finding the edges of the problem. Maybe.

Surely they need to be completely transparent at this point to avoid the Ratners effect? I am certainly never buying SanDisk / Western Digital labelled storage ever again and I will be researching carefully next time I need storage to make sure I don’t buy relabelled stuff.

I currently have SanDisk microSD cards in my DSLR so I will have to think about getting a different manufacturers card in there and saving to both in parallel just in case. I might just bin the sandisk card just to be sure, though. Their name is in the gutter already - do they realise that?

I really hope Elon starts complaining about his baby being deadnamed in the media.

Dilution will kill Reddit. Wait until the AI scraping gets into a feedback loop with AI posting.

That’s true. None of what I said applies to the 19 year old who seems to have been either cajoled or coerced onto that submarine.

Ignoring the fact that some of these people were billionaires, I think all of them forfeited any respect for their lives when they chose to step into a metal tube and put several miles of water between them and the breathable atmosphere, for fun. Same as mountaineers choosing to climb into a “death zone”. If you choose to go there for fun then that’s how much YOU value your own life and your relationships. I don’t see why I should then have a huge amount of sympathy when these people inevitably die.

I cannot understand why the military was mobilised at huge cost? Surely these people should sign a much more wide ranging waiver saying they are doing this at their own risk and should not expect any rescue attempts beyond what the organisers insurance policy covers?

Oh that’s interesting. Does Google Home work on an unconnected VLAN for lights? I use it for lights and kitchen timers. I don’t see myself adding anything more complicated or invasive though.

Twitter was a hellsite before Musk took over. Even if it could be restored fully to its “former glory” it would still be a hellsite, particularly for minorities.