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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Very high paying jobs may skew this number. Median wage is probably the more useful way to look at country level pay

For a fair comparison I’m assuming that most people will speed on the highway

I agree with you mostly.

But I’ll point out that 200km/h is still ~50% higher than highway speeds, with no traffic, and you can still focus on other things. So even low end rail is still better than driving.

I’m not even sure I mind low speed rail. I just want more and cheaper lines to everywhere. It’s way nicer than busses.

High speed can come afterwards if we can get public thinking behind trains as regular transport

Isn’t a more honest phrasing that Canada Post the public service costs 1bn/year to have in the country?

I think i still prefer having a mail system even if it costs money. Same as having police and roads.