Indie game developer 🇨🇦

Working on some games for game jams in my free time

Admin of and frontend developer for sublinks


  • 9 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Its people from here which is people that fit both categories so would say it has some people that do non work programming

We have a discord and matrix community for Currently there isnt much there in terms of chatting about programming itself (mostly just things happening in the instance and lemmy) but there could be

Was bridged but the bridge broke so theyre temporarily disconnected

Weve got a go community in the site that you might get some answers from rather than the general community here !

they start out easy and get harder as time goes on. Theyre intended for all levels due to that and theres two different difficulties per day (the harder one being unlocked when you do the easy one). Basically anyone can do day 1

Heres stats for how many people completed each day last year

yep, you can do them anytime after theyre unlocked and you dont have to do all of them

For anyone interested, advent of code is about to start! (first puzzles dropping at midnight ET which is in around 11 hours) We have a community in the instance at [!]( for discussion about the event and that will have solution threads where you can post and compare against other people --- Advent of code is a programming puzzle advent calendar where new puzzles drop every day until the 25th. They can be done in any language and puzzles are released on the AoC site

with that there would need some way for people to have things to initially review to get the community started. Could do something like after the first 3 posts the point system goes into effect

Just created a community request post for it

If anyone is interested upvote the request and if anyone wants to mod it let me know

Edit: community has been made at !

Fediseer tends to be what most people use to track and list this sort of thing (and its whats used for this instance)

A lot of blocks people have are of mastodon instances as well so if youre only interested in thread content that probably needs to be taken into account as well since mastodon instances tend to have more people than lemmy instances

It does add value, I just said what the value is. The bot isn’t just something that points out the opensource community, it’s for all communities and it just noticed here youre posting about open source which you are

But yeah open-source is one of the communities I’ve posted less to recently cause I tend to not get things I can post to it from what I normally browse but I can add some more activity there. Been mainly focusing on building up the language communities and communities that don’t even get posts in a week normally

I have two accounts, a mod account and a non mod account which I use to post called mac

I’ve been posting a ton of content on various communities (and am the most active poster) but this bot is just to help guide people from things like the programming community to the more specific topic communities to help get those active since c/programming tends to have content that would fit in those and its supposed to be a collector community to filter people towards other communities due to lemmy having bad community discovery out of the instance

I’ll be tweaking the triggers and making it fire less based on what I see happening over time

  • that also didn’t ping me btw, you need to include the at the end

Note weve also got an advent of code community that got started up into this instance at !

For communities outside the community mods would need to request that the bot gets added for it to be usable since it functions on a whitelist due to bot rules in various instances

This community got voted to be a collector community for all of the programming content in the instance

So that kind of thing is allowed to be posted here and people in the comments can give people communities to crosspost it to lead them towards that area for future posts

This makes it so users can be lead to other communities in the instance to then post in instead of not knowing where to do so (if theyre in another instance they cant browse our local communities very well in the default UI without needing a third party site)

I can add a way to automate that with a bot in the comments

Mostly depends on the question content

If its related to the instance topics in any way its fine here or in no stupid questions
(if related to experienced devs then it fits in ask exp devs, related to cs as a career then cs career questions)

If not then it might fit in !

If not then ! exists as a collector for everything else and could also get a new community started for specifically that (although I assume itll fit into one of the other two categories)

This is a collecting community that gets every topic in the instance (so people can go to it and then be naturally sent into the other ones in the instance) so questions in here are fine.

The main question communities in the instance though are:

Yeah this is the best spot atm in the instance, its a catchall community for programming things in the instance. The ios dev community is currently going through the community request process and then this can be crossposted into there

Feel free to also crosspost this into the gamedev community we have in the instance if you want. !

Community content vote results
Hey everyone, the content vote ended and here are the results of what people voted for Reminder that voting was single transferable vote. If two options were tied the one with a worse average placement in all votes was eliminated (if someone didnt give a second choice then no other options get their vote) ![]( Crosspost community was eliminated first with no first place votes, then main community (second place votes represented in dark blue), then general community (second place votes represented in light blue) The overall most voted option was Option 2: People catching community. This means that for the community all content relating to the instance is allowed but people will be directed towards more specific communities relevant to their post in the replies. This should then let people be able to post here with no friction and then get filtered down into the proper communities to help make them more active As there was significantly less votes than the amount of subscribers in the community I will be running a follow up poll in a week to see if people like how the community is being run or if we need to do another poll to change the instance content again. ## Linker Bot Ive been making a bot for the instance called Linker that posts links to communities in the replies when someone posts a non relative instance link. That feature got implemented into lemmy itself in v18 (it will give autocomplete options when you start typing !insertcommunitynamehere on web) so ill be adapting the bot to fit this community to help with the people catching. The bot api is a bit broken right now so it unfortunately wont be able to work for a bit but until then it would be a huge help if you guys do links to mentioned communities in the comments (it only has to be done once so it doesnt spam the replies) The format im using for bot messages is something similar to ``` Hey! Here are some possibly relevant communities in the instance based on what was mentioned - Link to community 1 - etc for any other communities I am a bot and this message was created automatically ``` Feel free to adapt that or make your own ## Community Request Just wanted to do a quick advertisement for the community request community here in the instance at [!](/c/ . The community is always open to suggest communities to be added to the instance and make sure to upvote ideas there you want added to show the interest in them. Since the discussion community option didnt win if you feel the discussion posts are getting buried by the other content you can suggest a new community for that (or for whatever topic the discussion is about if its general enough) ## Mods If anyone is interested in helping mod the community feel free to reach out to me. Ideally want at least one other person to moderate this community so I can stop moderating and focus on some more admin tasks around the instance including developing some new features for it

Yeah that part of option 4 was mostly meant for stuff like “here is a hotkey for how to do X in X” that I would equate to help posts. I can remove it though to make it a bit more clear

Also btw you double replied

The thing with having that as the rule is it can create some inconsistency in the eyes of someone posting. If theres communities for c and nim, and c posts start spamming the programming community so its split off. C posters will basically just be relegated to their own corner while they see occasional nim posts popping up in the main community

Theres also the factor of if the community is built up with specific topics other conversation points wont have a chance to take hold

We get the advantage in the instance of every community being basically on topic so if someone wants to see all of the topics (including the smaller ones) they can just browse the local posts. And that seems to be one of the most common sorts people are using here

alright noted it down. Yeah how I fixed X posts are nice. I tend to group that sort of thing into discussion since youre discussing a way to do something in the language

alright noted it down

for help posts yeah we can require tagging. Im trying to build up a flair system for lemmy that should help eventually but I can see if I can get help posts for now started with [HELP] in the title or something similar

alright thanks noted it down

true moving posts could be something that could be done if lemmy is set to deal with that. I can check to see how difficult that would be to put into lemmy and possibly push a patch out.

If we get that functionality in we can do another poll to determine whether it should switch to that but for now im just polling these options since I assume it wont be a thing for a bit (I tried to push another patch out to the site to make the request community more prominent but it seemed to be having issues with certain aspects of the changes so that needs to be fixed before we can get some updates out)

alright thanks noted it down

yeah thats one of the possible options in the vote (option 1 is anything goes, option 2 is same but also guides people for their future posts on that topic after they posted something) if you want I can note one of those down as your vote

yeah all of the options allow cross posting but that last one is for forcing only crossposts. I can try to rewrite them in a bit with some examples. They are mutually exclusive though even though some have a bit similar rules

edit: updated the post with some descriptions and examples in there to show whats allowed and disallowed

Note to everyone seeing this post now, theres a poll up at to vote on what should happen for community rules

thanks noted it down

yeah in the past ive tried to use different third party sites but havent found one that really works

rcv123 is the best option but its very easy to cheat in it by opening a new browser. snowe has been setting up a native voting system in lemmy that we might be able to use eventually

thanks noted it down. You can delete that reply if you want if you want to keep your vote anonymous

you can also give your second choice, third choice etc if you want if that doesnt get enough votes since its ranked voting (preferably in a dm to me to keep anonymity in the voting)

sorry for the two deleted messages there, thought it was a dm in my notifs

thanks noted it down. note that if you want to keep it anonymous you can delete that

You can also send your second choice, third choice, etc. in case that doesnt get enough votes as its ranked voting (preferably in a dm to me for anonymity)

[Ended] Community Content Vote
Hey everyone Theres been some discussion recently about the content allowed in this community so I wanted to make a quick poll to gauge what is wanted in terms of what people see here The current description of the community is a bit ambiguous so this will determine whether everything is allowed here or if only more general programming topics are You can just dm me with options ranked based on your preference (its ranked voting) to vote and ill share the results in a day of the overall vote tallies --- ### 1: Allow all posts relevant to the instance (main community) This will let pretty much any post be able to be posted in here whether that be a help question, discussion, news, etc. Allowed: - What is your favorite music to listen to while programming? - Has anyone else seen this interesting “challenge site” when googling a programming topic? - Intellij and docker on vm memory issues - [HELP][Python] How to use Selenium correctly - Announcing TypeScript 5.2 Beta - Discussion ES6 Classes. Good or Evil? Disallowed - Things not relevant to the instance ### 2: Allow any posts and direct people in the comments to more specific communities for their future posts (people catching community) This will also let any post be able to be posted in here like the previous option but will guide people towards the more specific communities in the future to make them then post the content in those Allowed: - What is your favorite music to listen to while programming? - Has anyone else seen this interesting “challenge site” when googling a programming topic? - Intellij and docker on vm memory issues - [HELP][Python] How to use Selenium correctly - Announcing TypeScript 5.2 Beta - Discussion ES6 Classes. Good or Evil? Disallowed - Things not relevant to the instance ### 3: Only allow topics that arent limited to one language, library, etc. (general topic community) This will let posts such as: what is your favorite music to listen to while coding? or Here is some details about functional programming be able to be posted while something like a library for python will instead be posted in the python community Allowed: - What is your favorite music to listen to while programming? - Has anyone else seen this interesting “challenge site” when googling a programming topic? Disallowed - Things not relevant to the instance - Intellij and docker on vm memory issues - [HELP][Python] How to use Selenium correctly - Announcing TypeScript 5.2 Beta - Discussion ES6 Classes. Good or Evil? ### 4: Dont allow questions of how to do X in X language but allow actual discussions or news about the language in addition to general topics (general & discussion community) Like above but also allows conversations about specific languages in the community as long as its not a question on how to do X in the language Allowed: - What is your favorite music to listen to while programming? - Has anyone else seen this interesting “challenge site” when googling a programming topic? - Announcing TypeScript 5.2 Beta - Discussion ES6 Classes. Good or Evil? Disallowed - Things not relevant to the instance - Intellij and docker on vm memory issues - [HELP][Python] How to use Selenium correctly ### 5: Only allow crossposts into the community with things like news being posted in the specific community first (crosspost community) This will ONLY let crossposts be made. All other options also allow crossposts but this makes it so that the post will fill up the specific community while c/programming is a main post feed for people who want to see many different topics from the specific communities Allowed - anything as long as its crossposted Disallowed - anything not crossposted - things not relevant to the instance You can find some past discussion here to see some points for the different options Based on whats voted some other communities may be created or adapted to fit the new niche of people (ill reply to your dm when your vote is counted, if I havent responded in awhile I may not have gotten it or im asleep)

That could work but one thing that would have to be figured out with that rule is what is categorized as interesting content as it tends to be pretty subjective so would be difficult to enforce if thats where the line is drawn

For adding relevant programming communities in the sidebar pretty much every community in the instance is relevant but could be the general topic ones like game dev, web dev, etc.

sure, Ill add you in. If you send me a dm on matrix I can make a group chat for a mod chat (send secure message button on my profile if youre on web)

getting people who may not know where otherwise to post to then nudge them towards a more specific community for future ones

an example of that would be the python post that was given as an example in the original post where they just asked how to do something in python here and since they were new they just did it in c/programming. Then someone told them about python and the next python help post they did they made in the python community instead

edit: yeah

If I run a poll for the community on what we should do what should the options be?

currently thinking

  1. move topic collection into a new community
  2. move general programming concepts into a new community
  3. keep both in this community