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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


I find their pricing to be rather reasonable. They even have a lifetime plan.

I’m in a similar boat. While my current setup is getting by, I’m in the market for something better.

I’m hoping that the shield will soon get a refresh when Nintendo releases their next console. If so, I’ll be picking up a shield for sure.

There’s no enshitification happening if the product hasn’t gotten any worse. It’s just a pricing change. In fact, if the pricing change does in fact lead to a better product then this is the complete opposite of enshitification.

While I was initially skeptical about the pricing changes, the more I learned about it the more I was okay with it. I think part of the initial problem was the talk of annual subscriptions, when in fact it’s much closer to paying for version upgrades. Their new standard licenses have come down in cost from the old perpetual licensing and the price of a version upgrade is only $36.

Definitely agree they should be split up if possible. Octoprint and Home Assistant are both rather demanding on a Pi, particularly the Pi 3B.

I would however opt to run Pi-Hole on the Home Assistant device as there is a plugin built in for it, and Home Assistant is the kind of thing you would be more likely to leave on at all times.

I wouldn’t recommend most of the cheap Android boxes. Most of the are full of malware. LTT did a video comparing most major Android boxes: https://youtu.be/sdLnieL90d0?si=6nAX8E0d9c4OZXqM

That’s great news! I’ll have to make that change next time I login.

All existing licenses will stay lifetime. Basic and Plus will no longer be sold, but they will still be honoured.

While I personally use Unraid, something similar you can do is use MergerFS and SnapRAID. This will provide you with similar functionality to Unraid, where you can pool your drives together and create a parity disk. Open media vault has easy plugins for both SnapRAID and MergerFS.

You can also use SnapRaid along side MergerFS to provide some data redundancy. MergerFS will allow you to create a parity drive, without requiring all of your drives to be in your typical RAID pool. This way, if you have several drives die, then you can still access whatever data is available on the remaining drives.

Agreed. Terrible headline, but solid advice in the article.

I’m personally happy with my taxes funding public services like CBC.

While you could argue that we get taxed a lot, and that our taxes are not always well spent, the average person receives a ton of value for the amount of money they put in.

I certainly agree. Seeing as all property values skyrocketed in the past few years, those whose homes are now worth $1 million only kept up with everyone else.

Seeing as over 60% of Canadians own their home, that means that the rise of property costs merely widened the gap between those that own and those who rent. While the rise of property costs certainly isn’t a good thing, those who own property realistically aren’t any better off than they were before.

This is my main approach to media. Instead of spending money every month on streaming services, I buy the media I care about. If I have to buy it on Amazon, then I pirate my own copy.

Just in case you weren’t aware, updating your block lists in uBlock Origin should fix this problem. It’s worked for me, at any rate.

I didn’t mean to claim that Toronto was more affordable than Montreal, simply that Toronto previous affordability allowed it to become what it is today.

It did allow Toronto to become the business capital of all of Canada. It was previously Montreal.

I absolutely agree! Renting a movie should cost nowhere near as much as purchasing the movie.

Spending $30 to own a brand new movie that just came out is not something I have a problem with.

However, not being able to download a copy of the movie you purchased is where I take issue.

That’s awesome! I’ve never heard of a pi zero being used that way.

I wasn’t being sarcastic. I’m apologize if I missed something though.

That’s awesome! Turing Pi has always fascinated me.

That’s a smart idea. Separating services across devices seems like something a low powered PC would be a great use for.

Do any of you use Raspberry Pi’s ?
For those of you who use Raspberry Pi’s in your home environment, I’m curious as to what you use them for. What applications are you running on them? Do you have your Pi’s setup in a cluster?

Talk about a privacy nightmare. No matter your stance on piracy, this is the most dystopian answer you could have given.

Cloudflare is also upping prices. Since Cloudflare sells domains at cost, I expect domain prices have simply increased.

That’s great news! Hopefully they can get the same done on iOS.