autumn (she/they)


  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jan 11, 2023

i’m really vibing with this game. absurd, casual, sometimes disturbing fun. slapping and jumping are the only actions, and it’s very england.

my dad bought a switch for his wife recently. neither one of them are “gamers.” i think they only play mario kart!

i’ve poured hours upon hours into this game. it’s just a chill game (if you want it to be), and it’s fun to keep track of stuff to collect, talk to the NPCs, and go fight some baddies occasionally.

assuming “PC” doesn’t count… i’ll be a basic bitch and say nintendo switch. it’s the one i’ve played the most games on.

i tried to play the original about a decade ago and my partner at the time had to dodge me throwing the controller when the dogs jumped through the window. that’s when i knew i wasn’t cut out for playing horror games. (although i enjoy watching other people play them!)

ooblets and fire watch are not difficult or lengthy games, but both were so enjoyable. i think casual games often get the short end of the stick unless there’s some online element a la animal crossing.

this is such a mood. i’m still waiting for the next stardew valley.

good. i found a ton of these nasty little things in my backyard when i moved into my current house. the house was (no surprise) previously occupied by a bunch of undergrads.

that is what they’re doing.

“These are the vapes that have pink unicorns on them, bubblegum flavouring, disguised in order for them to hide them in their pencil cases,” Butler told a news conference.

To ensure the bans don’t limit access for smokers looking to quit, doctors and nurses will be given expanded powers in January to prescribe therapeutic vapes where clinically appropriate.

But therapeutic vapes will be restricted from using flavours, have limited nicotine levels and be sold in pharmaceutical packaging under new rules to be introduced next year, with a transition period for manufacturers to comply.

from what i understand, vaping is much easier to get into due to the taste/smell. so neither is good for anyone, but cigarettes are seen as gross and the companies that make vaping products have tricked teens into thinking that they’re safe.

i haven’t stopped playing tears of the kingdom since it was released. my partner and i swap the controller back and forth. currently on a mission to collect all the armor and get lots of it upgraded. still haven’t defeated ganon even though we totally could.

i really love stardew valley for a cozy co-op game. for something a little weirder and darker, crawl is a blast.

both clever and not scraping and saving usernames to some mass database (as far as i can tell).

i enjoy playing couch co-op with my partner. that’s all for me and multiplayer. 🙃

wholeheartedly agree! css has been my main job for going on 15 years because i’ve always enjoyed its quirks. the past 5 years or so have felt like leaps and bounds in terms of how i structure markup and styling. it’s such a fun language to learn. stuff like flex and grid make my work so much easier so i can spend more time on the fun stuff.