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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


This is a good point. There are conservative viewpoints I find compelling, but they have basically nothing in common with MAGA, de santis, or any other popular conservative these days.

I find I can talk with individuals, when we both view the other as individuals, instead of a representative of republicans or whatever other moniker you give them. I mean, not everyone, but at least most people.

One issue is that it sometimes gets hard to discuss something like “lower taxes for businesses” because some people will assume you want to murder all gay people and others come along who actually do want to do that and think they are on you’re side…

When positions are too simplifed into left vs right and all your other positions are assumed to be in line with the left vs. right debate there will never be any real discussion.

Despite the fact that student loans are completely f’d and something needs to be done ab out this, I think this is the riht call. The HEROS act was not meant to be used like this.

Congress needs to do this, not the president…

The content issue is an inherent one. Most content on youtube exists to make money.

If you look at my comments elsewhere, you’ll see I was confused by the title (which I think implies it’s banned everywhere in the city) but then later mentioned the article specifies “on city property”. The title is needlessly (and probably intentionally) confusing.

You comment talks about this like it’s about Muslims, christians and Jews in general. It has little to do with Islam’s, Christianity, or judasim though, and much more to do with who is the majority, and who is historically the majority.

Exactly how I’d put it. The story is meh at best -i barely remember it honestly - but the rest of the gameplay is great.

The worst of the series as a whole, but still a good game.

The idea of freedom of religion but not enforcing your religion in others seems painfully obvious.

Isn’t this illegal under the 1st amendment? Or am I misunderstanding something?

Edit: nvm. Article says it’s banned on city property.

For the record, the title should really say that.