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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 23, 2023


The Steam Deck really is a very unique gaming platform. The Proton compatibility layer is a work of art. Crossover, Valve, and the WINE community should all be regarded as gaming heroes. I can play so many games on my Steam Deck that I never would’ve thought possible 5 years ago.

Being able to add your own external or custom games to your library, and still being able to make custom controls for those games, is just pure joy.

What’s really exciting is seeing the constant flow of games go from unverified to verified. It just keeps getting better.

The best part about the Steam Deck one might argue is being able to install ANY operating system you want on this thing. Want to play Destiny 2 and Fortnite really badly? You have the nuclear option of installing Windows. Want to take Linux gaming to the next level? Install Bazzite. Its up to you. YOU are in control.

Sorry, I just really wanted to speak my 2 cents about how much I love the Steam Deck. I hope I made some salient points.

Hell yeah I’m halfway through Phantasy Star IV right now. I love it

I lot of those games on GOG are on that CD!! Oh man secret agent was a fun one

I just bought the Steam Deck. Its amazing. More and more games keep becoming Deck Compatible and the community has uploaded so many controller configurations.

Linux is a gaming OS now and its wild

I had the Apogee game collection on a CD that was super important to me growing up. I’d like to find it again

Bungie gave me some of the best gaming childhood memories.

So much Halo. I was obsessed with it as a kid. The gameplay, the story… It was a SciFi gaming masterpiece. Super fond memories.

I’m also a HUGE fan of classic Marathon and Pathways Into Darkness. People don’t give these games the credit they are due, and everyone should play them. You can find the Alephone engine, open-sourced by Bungie, and play all of the Marathon games and community scenarios completely free. A well-respected community member even ported Pathways to the engine.

This ad blocking tug-of-war game is absolutely fascinating in so many ways. One cannot help but be entertained by the two sets of opposing engineers fighting each other for technological dominance

I love it

I’ve been a long time Marathon fan and I think the new game has the potential for greatness. The art style is out of this world

I’ve only played a little bit of Katamari Damaci but its such a WILD game!! I should go back again and try to beat it. Oh yeah, there’s totally some influence

For me its gotta be Donut County. I was baked out of my mind and my best friend was like “Dude you gotta play this game” and handed me his controller. It was awesome.
