• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I mean, if you argue that way during the interview I’d pass… Nobody thinks you’re asked to do all that in a one-day interview.

Exactly what I feel about HTML after using QML.

Although there are already comments with good libs, you could also look into services like Weebly.

Also, they often don’t read more than a few lines. I applied as a dev for a company which I had many friends inside. They all knew my skills. The problem was the high-level managers because they didn’t read the memo (and didn’t even read my CV), assumed I can’t do engineering because I was an academic at the time.

an engineering manager said during an interview, “OK, we’re going to build a To Do List app right now,” a process that might normally take weeks.

Tbf you can do that in one day with ChatGPT, although it requires some generic software engineering skills. But that’s the point.

Even if you don’t complete the task, the process of coding can prove your skill level in a positive way.

the timing is extremely odd


Not by Putin, but the most brutal I know in the history was for the previous Japanese Emperor in 1948. They executed A-class war criminals (his father’s cronies) on his birthday. The most shocking part imo is that he was only becoming 15.

Killed acquaintances of a kid on his birthday omg…

I feel like Google results these days value the domain rather than the individual webpages instead. Always the same websites…

I can imagine. Vast majority of applications I receive as a manager has nothing to do with the job. Those are often just copypasta used for dozens of letters.

I am a highly skilled…

Just read the first 5 words and throw it away.

Reading this article, these tools look into characteristics like hobbies, while apparently ignoring logic in a written text. Sure, the outcome’s gonna be horrible.

Also, you’re gonna miss unique talents because all it does is to learn typical good candidates. No way you’ll find Jobs!

It’s a result of systematic job training and matching. 10s of thousands of people with similar backgrounds (college / university degrees, formalized through central controls, for example), applying through a few websites.

There’s of course gonna be mass application.

I’m so happy I never applied for this kind of mass job hunting. I just didn’t like it. I couldn’t believe it was the right thing to do. Turned out, I don’t regret turning down BS.

The pattern is, the latter are targets of Russian operations, and so far it seems to be successful at generating kompromats.

Sure, diff tools aren’t meant for this. At least you could try dedicated backup tools like borg.

Another thing: schedule the backup to happen while you sleep or have lunch.

The consequence of falling behind is gravely different from most heinous acts. It can impact the military, elections, espionage, or whatever.

As I always write, trying to restrict AI training on the ground of copyright will only backfire. The sad truth is that malicious parties (dictatorships) will get more training materials because they won’t abide by rules. The end result is, dictators would outperform democracies in terms of future generation AIs, if we treat AI training like human reading.

Racism is bad, yet you don’t expect it to improve when Bibi is genociding in Gaza.

Okay, that’s fair, but it doesn’t really change much about the article in my opinion.

Expedia does it right. Just stop stupid customers at the brigade, and connect people with the real need immediately to real people.

Amazon is similar but the real people there are useless as fuck in my country. They’re foreign part timers barely speaking the language if my country… Can’t do anything specific.

Ah, that’s right. But there have been people wearing VR goggles very long. And MS Hololens (although AR) was similar enough to not ignore imho.

They know he won’t pay, but banning his business is the awwwww part.

Ps. I don’t hold my breath.

Which for the Apple Vision Pro can only be the case as it hasn’t been out long enough to conduct anything more than a short term experiment.

Nah, we’ve had AR stuff for like a decade by now. That’s enough to call this article pseudoscience at best. It’s flat-earth level stupidity, not a valid speculation.


According to him, people drive their Hondas into a supermarket after playing VR.

Adam Rogers is a senior correspondent at Business Insider.

Guessing he’s not a researcher. He has no idea what he’s writing. Just cherry-picking scientific articles to push his weird ideas. Might be a flat-earther or antivaxxer.

And Business Insider employs him as a senior correspondent. Fucking hell…

I don’t really understand why Apple defends its position on this. I don’t see anybody benefiting from iMessage being in the current form. Not even Apple.

It’s the exact kind of stuff Apple ditches usually.

I think the replies should mention the maintainers’ job. If they accept a PR they are supposed to understand the changes.

That said, AI-assistance on tests are as important as the code generation itself.

Support stupid war, end up vacationing in North Korea. Scores of Russians have flown to North Korea for a private tour — the first foreign tour group to visit the reclusive state since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Indeed, extremist groups do their discussions in their echo chambers. These simple minded people have never learned to do serious debates. The closest is perhaps “Lmao you are the stupidest person on earth”.

If Notion starts forcing you to pay $30/month just to read notes, you’ll be fucked. There’s no way you can rescue your data.

Putin wrote a long essay before the war that denied Ukraine’s existence as a sovereign state. He now appears to have learned it by heart.

I mean, that’s the job of a body double. He’s right there in the picture.

The Russian leader was given the opportunity to expound familiar grievances unchallenged.

I think it’s the State of Emergency. I know Biden won’t do it, but if he postpones the election to pack the court… I’d argue he’d be on the right side of the history.

I think Reddit really enjoys the power of community effort. r/science removed every single personal anecdote, for example.

Maybe they don’t want to give rival AI devs data access? It’s not typical for Google to give up data.

Ask for donation, plus no ads in the first place. Maybe in the paying process they do need your contact info, but that’s inevitable if you want to pay with your credit card. 100% better than lying about necessities of email.

You want them, not need them. Also, I prefer The Guardian model.

I want my browser just to render websites, but it’s so difficult these days.

> > > Inflation, partisanship and the pandemic have made them glummer than the numbers suggest they should feel > > I think the author just looked up statistics to reach a conclusion convenient to them. Just ask the actual people. (Why didn't they do interviews?) There are so many details lost in their cherrypicked numbers. Prices, wages, housings, they are very bad according to what I read online, contrary to what the author argues citing average growths. Maybe they have no grasp of reality anymore?

I don’t believe conservative leaders have plans on the society. They’re just morons taking turns to enrich themselves.

I wish this to be the self destruction the stupid conservatism.

The video is bombastic, even by Mr Trump's standards. Just consider the title: God Made Trump.

I used to like The Economist, but this is Nazis propaganda right on their page. > > > Israel, by contrast, does not meet the test of genocide. There is little evidence that Israel, like Hamas, “intends” to destroy an ethnic group—the Palestinians. Israel does want to destroy Hamas, a militant group, and is prepared to kill many civilians in doing so. While some Israeli extremists might want to eradicate the Palestinians, that is not a government policy. > > This is not okay. This is Nazi logic. Nazi, fascist logic, from The Economist. Even Nazi Germany did not make killing the official "intention" or government policy in my understanding. At least not always. It was announced as a safety guarantee, for example.

Craig Mokhiber, director of human rights body, accuses the US, UK and much of Europe as ‘wholly complicit in the horrific assault’