Some kind of engineer or something. Indoor farmer. Outdoor farmer. Agroecologist. Anarchist. Mutual aider. Hyper-niche internet microcelebrity fuckface on TikTok.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 23, 2023


This was my first thought. I’ve never said “self hosted” to a client and, honestly, never would. “On-prem” or “Running on your server.” The idea of a company “self hosting” something is literally just “hosting”.

I run a mastodon instance in docker and a Sharkey instance in docker on another server. I, personally, didn’t find it especially temperamental but, to be fair, I have pretty extensive experience troubleshooting Docker issues re: networking/permissions/volumes because I am cataclysmically unclever.

Some advice: I would definitely recommend against running it on a naked domain you care about (i.e. Always deploy it on a subdomain (i.e. because, if you ever change servers, have to re-make your intance, have domain issues, etc, you will be fucked pretty much forever on that domain. On a subdomain, you can just use a different subdomain.

Holy shit I’m installing the fuck out of this right now

The way this work, not that I’m aware of. Your best bet for that would probably be etherpad

Typehere Docker image now on Dockerhub
I posted previously about containerizing Squadrick's clone of There have been some fixes recently and I finally got around to uploading it to Dockerhub so it is about as easy to run as is physically possible. `docker run -p 8585:80 bradganley/typehere` and then point your browser to `localhost:8585`

Squadrick cloned and I love it so I dockerized it
This is my git upon which I am the only user and it is hosted on what is essentially my cupholder so be warned that it will be susceptible to a hug of death
Squadrick cloned and I love it so I dockerized it