Blake (he/him)
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


In that video it sure sounds like he says “I love you Christians, I’m not Christian”

Well, sure, but I’m sure most coal miners don’t feel super great about their specific job and profession generally. It’s a waste of resources and capital generally, not at a zoomed in level

I don’t think anyone cares if the VP is “too old” honestly. Most of the time it feels like the VP does things in the background and makes far less headlines. Case in point: Kamala Harris

That’s how culture and news works generally. There’s no stopping it really

Maybe this will save someone a click. Here’s the original source and here’s the full breakdown…

Honestly the 77% of independents strikes me as more important.

Intentions aside, it’s just some independent research that anyone can review and critique. If the research is bad then it should be pointed out and won’t be taken seriously, undermining any influence from Goldman Sachs now and in the future

Oh, sure, I didn’t mean to compare the two really. Just pointing out that although Twitter is simple and easy to replicate in concept, trying to scale to support all humans as users (theoretically) is difficult

To be fair, Twitter needs very good infrastructure to be usable (e.g. caching) and obviously content moderation is as robust as their investment in it (those could be contract workers though)

If Goldman Sachs said that, than most likely the opposite is true.

What makes you say that?

A spokesperson for TikTok told the BBC that it had increased its investment “in efforts to ensure reliable information can be found on TikTok”, launching a “UK Election Centre with a fact-checking expert” and adopting an “industry-leading AI labelling technology”.

I doubt this will move the needle. Ultimately TikTok was not built for news & politics specifically, and it seems like a robust fact-checking system would lead to less engagement overall. So it’s at odds with their primary objective

Alternatively, it could be very frustrating for people who need it. Computer-generated translations are often very bad compared to human ones, and image recognition adds another layer of complexity that will very likely lack nuance. It could create a false sense of accessibility with bad alt-text, and could make it more difficult to spot real alt-text if it isn’t being tagged or labeled as AI generated

Not at all: any company that wants to operate in a given country, has to follow that country’s laws, whether they like them or not.

Maybe in theory but not in practice. See: illegal dumping, tax evasion, labor violations, and many other things

The idea of breaking up a company is to make the space more competitive. Theoretically if YouTube had a proper competitor, then the decision to honor Kremlin requests would be more complicated, since it could lead to a loss of market share

As far as the survival aspects go I prefer Frostpunk. Though that’s not as replayable. Both are quite solid and come highly recommended

Welp, that sucks. I guess maybe if Notion veers into privacy that’d be a win, but difficult to see that future. Their new “Notion Calendar” requires Google Calendar.

It’s unclear whether this is exclusively endorsing Democratic candidates or not. I’d be more interested if it wasn’t exclusive to a single party.

Didn’t realize they had rebranded from Snapchat. I don’t think I’d trust their hardware

Check My Ads has been doing a lot of impactful investigations and reporting recently. They’re a 501c3 non-profit so I encourage people to donate:

This puts Nikki Haley in an interesting position. If she continues the 1-on-1 with Trump, it’s basically doubling-down on Trump losing or having a bad term to bolster her credibility down the line.

I recommend watching the video linked in the article. They mention live streaming, working in a spreadsheet, and long text messages where you have to scroll to read everything

Plus this isn’t just a hardware product, the keyboard shortcuts would be pretty handy for any power user. Sounds like they’ll be rolling out more software for it and have more products in the works

More screen real estate compared to a virtual keyboard taking up ~30% of it

The source is Android Authority and it appears to be referencing dark patterns in mobile apps

This article seems to be targeted at parents considering when/whether to get their children a device. I have a feeling an abusive parent wouldn’t want to do that anyway. So doesn’t really seem pertinent

It was announced a couple weeks ago and is still in beta (see: The Verge)

Whatever ProtonDB uses to query your owned games.

I tried this and it properly hid my game, both logged into ProtonDB as well as logged out. Also showed back up when I unmarked it as private.

But but but how am I supposed to play minecraft irl now

I presume this is on purpose considering they’re moving towards tweets not being public (account required to view). Showing the tweet in the preview would be an easy way to get way around this

Nebula is a walled garden though. They don’t even have a formal process for applying to be on it. I hear it’s invite only basically

Is there a rating/voting system that exists that is resitant to internet vote tampering?

No, there is not. If there was, it would be well-known and widely used.

Even the U.S. government abandoned e-voting attempts due to strong opposition from cyber security experts. I learned about this on the Reveal podcast

If you’re talking about Notion’s mobile app, I believe it was rewritten last year