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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Cloudflare has a catch-all option that you can enable, but they only allow you to receive emails not send them. https://developers.cloudflare.com/email-routing/setup/email-routing-addresses/

A heads-up to anyone else who suddenly got this post in there feed, this article and post is over a year old.

That’s a great point I hadn’t considered tbh! And that learning new technologies even if there is no “purpose” to it can be… fun! :)

All software listed is FOSS.

  • Librespeed - Self-hosted speedtest
  • Code Server - VS Code instance that you can access through the browser
  • changedetection.io - Detect changes in a website or part of website and notify you when that happens
  • Material for MkDocs - Wiki/knowledge base
  • Gitea - GitHub alternative. You might wanna consider Forgejo instead. I don’t care enough personally to switch.

I just run one mariadb container via docker-compose that all my other services use as their database.

version: "2"
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/mariadb:latest
    container_name: mariadb
      - TZ=####/####
      - PUID=###
      - PGID=###
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD==############
      - /docker/mariadb:/config
      - 3306:3306
    restart: unless-stopped

Off-topic but I don’t really get the appeal in running Kubernetes (or similar technologies) in a homelab. Unless it’s something you want to learn for work of course.

I’ve never heard of Nextclouf AIO, do you have links?


I wouldn’t join a private tracker that requires me to expose my real IP. It doesn’t sound serious at all.

ZFS for RAID array and BTRFS for root is the way to go!

Since my “homelab” is just that, a homelab, I’m comfortable with using :latest-tag on all my containers and just running docker-compose pull and docker-compose up -d once per week.

The free license is so generous that a home user really should have no reason to ever pay for it.

are you even hosting it

No but as andrew mentions below you CAN self host it.

According to them it’s a way to get individual enthusiasts on board who will then get their workplaces to adopt Tailscale.

“In capitalism we call this a win/win deal. You get free stuff. You enjoy it. You tell your boss. Your boss gives us money (eventually). And nobody’s personal information got misplaced along the way. You did pay us—by talking about us.” https://tailscale.com/blog/free-plan/

Duplicati is great in many ways but it’s still considered as being in beta by it’s developers. I would not trust it if the data you back up is extremely important to you.