Either you’re the stupidest person who has ever received a PhD in the world, or you’re a fucking liar. There’s absolutely no god damned way that you can hold this many imbecilic, counter-to-reality views while having had to engage with primary sources for the multiple years it took to achieve a PhD. Stop lying, seriously. Nobody buys your bullshit anyway.
So, I commented earlier about why right-wing opinions are trash in general, but I realized that I never addressed the meat of your question, which was: “Are[sic] Conservative/Right-Wing opinions completely unwelcome on Lemmy?”. Which, I’ve gotta say, is an incredibly stupid fucking question. Lemmy is a federated space, which means that anybody can set up their own server, with their own rules, and be part of the wider “Lemmy”. A much better question, since you’re posting on beehaw.org is: “Are Conservative / Right-Wing opinions completely unwelcome on Beehaw?”, which is answerable based on knowledge of the administrator(s) of Beehaw.
But, really, any fascist dipshit with a spare server and an internet connection can start their own Lemmy instance, and they’d fucking love your stupid fucking Right-Wing Opinions.
So, in short, your question is stupid, and your opinions are trash. Thank you, and goodnight.
I concede that you’ve got a point that austerity isn’t an all or nothing proposition. But your examples are laughable. No country that has implemented “austerity measures” has ever interpreted that as “ending corporate subsidies”, or “taxing the wealthy”, or in any way fucking with the wealthy or military’s purse. It just doesn’t happen. I agree, that would be an amazing thing. But it just doesn’t exist in human history. What ends up happening instead is that they cut the educational budget. Or they cut social programs, like housing subsidies or food subsidies. Because governments aren’t run by the lowest common denominator, who actually benefits from those programs. They’re run by the wealthy. So no government is going to fuck over its supporters by cutting their benefits.
If your “conservative / right wing opinion” is that austerity measures are a good thing, then the most generous interpretation of that is that you’re just a moron. As it turns out, though, today’s “conservative / right wing opinions” are way worse than that. Things like “trans people aren’t people”. Or “we should do a treason”. Or “bribing supreme court justices is totally fine”. If you hold any of those opinions, the most generous interpretation of that is that you’re evil. And probably also stupid. That is the MOST generous interpretation, mind.
WTF is up with all the NSFW tags, and the massive ChatGPT-like spam?