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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 05, 2023


The VCS is an old console, not a POS. When it was new it was state-of-the-art. About the Lynx, the catalog is not long. You can get all the games (76 in total and the max size is 2 MB) and try some. I’d say California Games, Klax, Batman Returns, Toki, just to name a few.

To me, Atari Lynx and Sega Dreamcast.

Not necessary. Imagine you begin suffering Alzheimer. And the artificial neurons are making a copy of your brain. Once a neuron stops working the backup one replaces it. Your mind, if it worked, could see the new neuron as part of the same brain and work with it seamlessly.

Why not? Harder translations are made between file formats.

I don’t propose a monopoly but a common platform. The platform doesn’t create content. The creators don’t fragment the market.

And I say this as an answer to the problem content creators have. Not from the user POV.

Solution: create a common platform for all online services (Netflix, Paramount, Disney, Warner, …) and have EVERYTHING there, even old movies and not often seen ones.

And Google can pull the plug on the database whenever they want, just like Reddit or Twitter did with third party apps.

I wish PeerTube gained enough traction to be the competition of YT. I hate that Google think they know you better than yourself and uses that broken algorithm to send you thing you don’t want to see. If I tell 5 times I don’t want something a correct algorithm would say “I’m not sending you any more of this” instead of trying other 100 times to make you swallow the videos they want.