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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


I need all the protection I can get now Big Subreddit are after me!

Technically yes, but if you’re already paying for the thing you actually wanted then it’s essentially a free trial on top of that

It’s a free trial. I don’t know why everyone’s so shocked, they’re essentially giving you one or two free books in the hope that you’ll be hooked and want to pay for more!

Google will be shuddering

Well it is spooky season

You can still use them with GadgetBridge if Rebble ever goes away too!

the first good wearable computer ever made

That’s an opinion and a half! People might consider it collectable but they’re not exactly rare.

Very useful for the people who send out phishing scam emails

A couple of years ago I set up an old iPhone as a Spotify connect device (as in it sits in a speaker dock and I play music through it controlled by my phone). It was similarly unsupported but I found a not-too-hacky way of installing an older compatible version of the Spotify app via iTunes on a PC (which involved having to install iTunes and find an apple account). I imagine there are instructions both official and amateur available for you to follow, but hopefully you should still be able to install stuff on it. Just don’t do anything involving sensitive info as you’ll be out several years of security updates!

Depends what you want to do, really. I’ve got a proper PC for serious tinkering, my phone has all my private data on so I’d rather have the security that comes with blocking root access.

Strange that the focus point of this article is rooting, you can modify your device to install custom firmware etc without needing root exploits anymore!

You’re still using fire for your torches? My condolences Uncle Sam, I didn’t realise how bad things had got over there!

So what actually is calckey/firefish? Is it just trying to be Twitter? Is it meaningfully different to Mastodon?

Workaround is to buy a DisplayLink dock which can run three monitors, insane that you have to use a third party solution though

Good point, I guess I should be specifically referring to Facebook’s Instagram, rather than the filter and photo-sharing app it was beforehand

It’s a bit weird to see Threads being referred to as Facebook’s version of Twitter - wasn’t Instagram already Facebook’s version of Twitter, just with the gimmick being images of text rather than just the text? This seems like it’s basically the same social network with a different interface - all the users are the same and the list of banned content is the same, people are coming in thinking it’s the same thing so it will end up being the same.

Never pay for an inferior experience, but for £2.50 a month the experience of using Spotify instead of having to manually find, download, synchronise, and manage a music library is worth it for me.

“piracy is a service issue” - if a product doesn’t cost much and saves you time/effort then it can be worth paying a little versus essentially paying yourself less than minimum wage if it’s hard to pirate (depends how valuable your time is though!)

TIL that Snapchat bought it, any idea why they’re now killing it? The usual reason would be that it contained/owned something they wanted (tech, IP, data, etc) and they didn’t actually care about the service, reckon that’s the case here?

Changing from a Pixel to another Android phone is hardly degoogling, if anything it’s just inviting in another pair of eyes! Ironically the best way to degoogle on Android is with a Pixel running GrapheneOS!