woman. student of behavioural science 🇸🇪🏴‍☠️ avatar © donnazucoyy

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 03, 2023


I also did use a VPN on both mobile and computer. Does that change anything?

Difference between downloading on public wifi and mobile hotspot?
Not sure if I used the correct terms but what is the difference in security and privacy between downloading from a public wifi (or a closed wifi; with password) and mobile hotspot (sharing 4G/5G data from your phone to your computer)? Which one is recommended or does it not matter?

I don’t even fully understand torrenting and how to do it, so I suppose that’s a relief in this case. I can be carelessly quick with stuff like this, lol.

Thanks for the info!

Kind of irrelevant, but anyone should feel free to answer: according to Swedish law, downloading music is legal as long as the artists have authorised use of their work and it is only played privately (not distributed). However, my friend argues that artists don’t consent to their music being pirated, thus making the downloading illegal.

Curious about what the people in this community think about his argument. Personally, I was taught that anything you post can be up for debate and freely used, so if artists consent to having their music posted on Spotify / YT / etc., then they subsequently consent to having their work downloaded. Am no legal expert though.

Super ___ Started to worry a bit but as long as a (good) VPN is in use I imagine I should be fine mostly.

The risks of downloading music at home with wifi
Like the stupid newbie goober I am, I forgot the first step to downloading music: do it in a public setting with a public wifi. Ended up downloading it all at home off of our private wifi. Did use a VPN but forgot to switch it from my home country. Kind of wondering how easy it is to trace me and persecute me for this. I am not the one handling the ordeal with the wifi, that would be my lovely mother. Cheers y'all!

Well, at least now I know the issue isn’t on my end, so that’s a relief. I’m fine with how things are right now, it’s all very scattered but I can create a playlist of my favourites to make it easier. Besides, once I get to the tagging part of your guide I imagine things will get much more accurate. I’ve downloaded all of my 1000 songs now so I think I’ll delete my Spotify account and leave the world of streaming (music) behind. (:

I can’t view the metadata on my phone, just on my computer. As an example I’m viewing the song “Crown of Thorns” by Black Veil Brides. It is a FLAC file (as per the settings), and on my computer I can see the date released, artist, album, genre, track number, file size… so I don’t know why this info doesn’t translate to the music player on my phone (Gramophone). Maybe it’s because I haven’t gone through with the tagging process yet? In which case that’s understandable.

Also, some songs failed to download from deemix, but their .lrc files still downloaded. Can I transfer these .lrc files to my phone (along with the other downloaded songs), or must the FLAC and LRC files be downloaded as a pair for the metadata to be synced with the right song?

Hm, unfortunately all songs are listed as Unknown Year, and the genres are very scattered and inaccurate. I’ve ticked all the tag boxes already. So long as I can solve this with the tagging applications, I shouldn’t have to redownload everything, or?

Just to be clear, because some metadata is missing such as year released, tagging and such can all be solved in the other applications? Deemix is solely used for download?

Thank you so much for your help! So excited to finally begin the journey of owning my music.

Do you think it would be fine for me to download all songs and then wait until I’m able to download the tagging applications, or does everything need to happen in one go for everything to sync? I’m thinking waiting about a year (when I buy a new computer) and then use the apps to tag my songs, or will I still need the data from deemix?

Some songs fail to download because “Your account can’t stream the track from your current country and no alternative found”. Not many but some. Should I just download them off of YouTube or something else?

Still doesn’t work for me.

*I mean downloading playlists. I have the webui version open.

**Hold on, I tried the checkbox method just now. Currently processing all songs…

***Works now!

Hey again! Just a random question.

Is it okay to skip the tagging steps in your guide? My school computer won’t allow me to download the mp3tag application, and I wonder if these tagging steps are necessary or will mess anything up if skipped? I downloaded some songs to my phone and most metadata and lyrics are there, and that’s fine with me. Does not completing the guide make me miss out on anything important (such as metadata or syncing the files)?

You didn’t waste my time. This experiment kick-started my process of finally downloading my music, even if it didn’t work out completely. Not yours or anybody else’s fault anyway. (: Do feel free to update me!

Oops, too early to cheer… looks like I can only download individual songs seamlessly, but when I try the playlists the “cannot read properties of undefined” error keeps popping up. Ugh, I’m so close to the finish line, why’s there always a hinder. (':

Thanks for your help! Will definitely continue following your guide.

However, I’ve already stumbled upon a few issues. First, my computer can’t seem to locate the deemix music folder that I supposedly created when I installed the application. Nowhere to be seen. Not sure what to do about it, maybe I installed the wrong version?

Furthermore, the playlists I have downloaded state the following errors: “cannot read properties of undefined” and “no such file or directory”…

I went back to your guide and adjusted some deemix settings. Is there something I should adjust in “folders/track titles” sections, since you didn’t mention them, or is it fine to leave them be? Also, why download in flac and not mp3?

So I did the deemix thing and the Spotify app thing. Unfortunately I can’t find my own playlists in Favourites, only somebody else’s. Know the issue?

This seems really complicated for a beginner like me (': is there no online tool that can download my playlists in bulk with relatively accurate metadata? It seems deemix and soulseek require accounts which I’m not too keen about, but I really don’t know anything about this so I might just be spouting silly speculations.

Thank you for the answers! As for the hard disk, do you mean something like a USB or SSD? In that case, how do I sync the music from there to my phone?

How to get started with pirating music (mp3s)?
Do I use a website to download songs off of YouTube or Spotify? Where should I store the music? I haven't any clue about self-hosting. I'm running GrapheneOS, is it enough to save the songs in Files and play in an app like Auxio? Maybe sync with SyncThing? What's the best way to compress mp3 files but still retain the quality (even possible)? Could really use some help as I'm very inexperienced. :)

What’s the name of this video again? I remember having to watch it before every movie on a scrappy little DVD-player laptop.

Oh well. I did what I could and cast my vote for them. Don’t regret it, though, for my first time voting.

Oh sorry, I really thought it looked like a game lmao. Shame, I would’ve played it.

What do the Lemmy pirates say about this site? I want to download the game "The Godfather" from 2006, but upon trying to open the setup file my computer screen turned all black. Is it likely to get a virus from this site?

Anyway, bottom line is that the more you play the more you find out the story of the Sky universe. A playable story, if you will.

For me it’s about exploring new realms, and discovering new spirits and doing missions given by said spirits. Collecting items such as clothes and accessories is fun as well. I guess it’s not as intense as other games, but I like that you can do stuff your own pace - there’s no pressure or stress, just lots of beautiful visuals and wonderful soundtrack. Befriending fellow players and doing missions together is a plus as well.

There are purchases within the app - such as buying more candles (the game currency), or a “Season Pass” that gives you exclusive stuff whenever a new season in the game begins. You absolutely don’t need to pay for anything to enjoy the game, there are no limitations as far as in-game interactions go.

Checking if any Lemmy users dig this interesting game, and also looking for people to game with!

I know, I just mean I haven’t seen one of these in a while, and I’m glad I was reminded of their existence by this post.

I don’t know what any of this means, but I’m so happy to see these Hitler parodies again.