i am more than willing to engage on any positive claim you want to make (i probably agree with a lot of them). what i’m not willing to do is tolerate personal attacks and dogpiling.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 05, 2023


this isn’t evidence. it’s storytelling. and it’s not even an accurate storytelling. The people who do the killing are paid by somebody who isn’t me and they are paid long before I decide whether to buy my food.

Their suffering is identical in nature to your own. It harms us when we take pleasure in cruelty and violence.

these statements don’t smack of scientific rigor.

The humans you pay to kill animals

almost no one pays anyone to kill animals, except pests I think

most people don’t want to watch an appendectomy or live childbirth either. that doesn’t make them immoral or unnecessary. it sounds like you understand that your YouTube video is traumatizing, and spreading it to others is irresponsible.

then there is no need to lie about the position the academy

this is a leap of logic. there is not direct correlation, and your accusation of bad faith is, itself, bad faith.

they have published a version of this position continually since the early '90s at least. if you look at the position paper that’s linked, you can see the specifics. this position has expired and not been renewed for years. that is good reason to believe that it will not be renewed and will no longer be the position of the academy.

it’s entirely true. they don’t care how it tastes, they care if they get paid

it’s not their current position, and linking it, and saying it is their position, is dishonest.

animals aren’t killed for taste. it’s usually for profit.

since the paper you linked expired


all current positions of the academy

double edit:

i see you are not the one who linked the expired paper. whoops.

it is no longer the position of the academy of nutrition and dietetics that vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. it hasn’t been for years. you should stop spreading misinformation.

i mean… i see how the us treats julian assange and kimdotcom… i’d hate to get caught infiltrating the australian government’s computer systems under false pretenses. if i ever get over the equator tho, i’ll be sure to check it out in person.

yo! great find! while the only one on the list that will issue a free card to non residents is in wisconsin, someone in the comments pointed us to sunnyvale california! woot. add another card to my libby stack.

i have to say, as i look around for libraries/library systems that offer what i want and i think about, for instance, the netflix or disney+ or whatever fees… libraries are dirt cheap even if i end up shelling out a couple bucks. netflix is what, 25 bucks a month now? that’s $300/year. i could get access to some pretty awesome libraries for that.

You might have trouble getting free unrestricted library cards if you don’t live in the area that the library serves. They are usually paid for with taxes and aren’t there to serve people outside their community.

yea. i realize this. but as i said, my inclination is that there is some philanthropic and national libraries that i just don’t know about that fit the bill.


i also got cards from my local library system, and the two major cities in my state. there’s a minor city, too that gave me one. so i have a pretty good stack, but they are all from my state.

MEK appears only to be available in hungarian, with some english, but i don’t know hungarian at all. maybe someone else will find this useful tho.

most institutions will issue a physical card, but i don’t care if i get one as long as i get an account that grants me access.

I’ll check out mek

ok well here’s a tip: Libby by Overdrive has different availability of resources depending on your institution, but the app allows you to load all the cards they know about. And they have some kind of affiliation with Kanopy (for movies and tv), who seems to have a universal collection, but limits access to some of their holdings using a ticketing system like carnival rides. More library cards means more tickets-per-month. And Hoopla is sort of a hybrid: it has ebooks, audiobooks, tv, movies AND MUSIC, but your library pays for so many items-per-day across all of its patrons, so if one of your libraries has hit its daily limit, just… switch cards.

Maybe OffTopic: Library Cards GOTTA CATCH EM ALL
I'm aware that this community is not usually happy with the content that's available above-board for-free under-restriction. For instance, free with subscription, or free with ads. But I have found myself obsessed with library cards recently. Libraries grant access to pretty expansive collections even online: movies, tv, music, and ebooks are just the beginning. Genealogical resources, vehicle repair manuals, business contact databases, academic journals, and periodicals. One of my libraries granted me access to Udemy Business through Gale. I honestly can't detail every database/collection/resource i've found available through the 4 libraries who have granted me useful access. But I seem to have hit a wall. The New York Public Library says "visitors" may get a "temporary" card, but the number they gave me expired after 2 weeks and didnt get me access to any of their online offerings anyway. Paris says they'll happily issue me a card. All I need to do is fill out the form (in french?!) and show up in person with photo ID. /s Surely, I'm not the only one who has decided to try to collect library cards like pokemon cards. I imagine there are philanthropic libraries or national libraries or something that I just don't know how to look up. I'm looking for any library that will issue me a card regardless of residency, but for reference I am in the US if that's the only residency requirement. Anyone got tips?

We’ve become so extreme in our conversations vs. being moderate to the point that people hate you for finding common ground. They want you to say they’re right and that’s it.

if they are even listening to what you say in the first place. you can literally tell them what they’re right about and they demand that you address other aspects of their comments.

Going vegan is a solution to the problem at hand.

did you try that?

your insistence on relevance is giving the lie to your denial about moving the goalposts.

I know actual game developers who released their games for free or under a pay-what-you-want model. They refuse to do so again because they can’t support themselves by doing it. I am a game developer and I won’t release my games for free because I need to support myself. There is all the data you need.

the plural of “anecdote” is not “data”

You know it and you are simply arguing in bad faith

this is rich coming from someone who is moving the goal posts.

you never mentioned ‘quality’ until you wanted to disqualify data that didn’t support your position.