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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Feb 25, 2024


I think they meant the “finance guy” insulted the whole “race” of “developers”, but otherwise they agree.

Yea, the Bing chat (or what it was originally called) sometimes used to tell people to learn coding instead of asking it to generate code.

Yes, the classic “no” problem of YAML. But the addition of the comments is very nice.

Don’t forget to compare a consumption too, or perhaps “performance per watt” metric. If plan to run this CPU in a server, this makes a difference in the electricity bill - especially for always on server.

This is very important distinction to be made. Sync is not a backup.

However, you can get 90% there with Syncthing when you enable file versioning or at least trash can for the files.

This is the approach I try to also follow. It also makes the process of restoration from the backups or migrating to different server much easier.

Draw.io is also totally open and is able to be integrated into many different tools - so chances are your tool of choice already has a plug in for it. For example, nextcloud does.

Hahaha, totally nothing like I described it, but yes, this is the original clip. Thank you!

Question: Looking for a gif/video - programmer’s life played by handyman
update: this is the clip: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AbSehcT19u0 Many thanks to @Krill. Good day everyone! A long time ago, while working as a full-time programmer, I saw a short funny clip that I could totally identify with and that brilliantly described what daily frustrations programmes face in a way that non-programmers could understand. Description below. Thing is, I was unable to find it since and it frustrates me to no end and is hampering my ability to describe programming work to other people. Though I no longer program for a living, so I should not care. Anyway. **Video description** (vague, from failing memory): A handyman reaches for his equipment but finds out it is not plugged in, so he reaches for the plug, only to find it broken. He proceeds to get the replacement / fix from the drawer but its handle breaks and stays in his hand. Bang, final title: the daily life of a programmer. Or something like that. Please help.

There’s always more than one option and it is rare situation when a language is “required” .

Capable developers don’t touch PHP ;)

(sorry, couldn’t help myself. I love WordPress, but I don’t much love its innards or the language…)

Oh my, TIL. But what then in cases like these, when the Pihole itself is down? You need fallback…

Shouldn’t you just have a fallback DNS for cases like these? During the outage, it would be the one used and after the things settle, you would be back at primary.

Maybe some kind of monitoring/notifications on top of thatm

It sound like you are personally offended by this because you are Chinese, but as an European, I share your sentiment. I don’t trust either Chinese, nor American solutions. After all, after Snowden, we know American solutions are systematically compromised.