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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Exactly. Unfortunately “move fast and break things” has some disadvantages when it comes to driving in traffic.

True. But the word Monad has done more harm to the accessibility, popularity and reputation of pure functional programming than pretty much anything else.

Yeah, I could have said circle rather than curve of constant normal intersection points, but that word is very commonly understood, so it’s not that same as unnecessarily calling something a Monad. Maybe it’s the equivalent of calling it a 2-manifold instead of a wheel.

Perhaps just ditch the generalisation, then, and just call them Result or Maybe. After all, circle is a short word, but we just call them wheels.

Don’t call it a monad, call it a structured data type or something, that’s what it is! Calling it a monad is like saying that you’re using a curve of constant normal intersection point. Why not just say it’s a wheel?

Yes, it’s mathematically true that you’re having a smooth ride precisely because the normals have a constant intersection point, but it’s also true to say that it’s a wheel and it goes round and isn’t bumpy and doesn’t scrape, and people can get a handle on that.

So yeah, use a Result or Option or Maybe structured data type because it keeps explicit track of whether there’s a value or not, and yeah, you can change or combine them and preserve the tracking, but there’s no point calling it a monad unless you’re trying to make people believe that avoiding the $1bn mistake of allowing/using null requires category theory. It doesn’t, it’s just a structured data type. It’s simpler than an array! Stop calling it a monad.

Elm (for frontend). https://elm-lang.org/

Nothing is as easy to refactor, maintain, add new features to, work with after a gap, nothing else is as crashless and rock solid.

No compiler is a fast, friendly, helpful and insightful. Seriously. You don’t wait for the compiler. It’s instant even on huge code bases. And the resulting output outperforms other major frameworks.

Its syntax is weird at first (even stranger than python) and the autoformatter is mad keen on blank lines but after a while it’s just so clear and easy to follow.

You have to let go of your object oriented mindset and stop trying to turn everything into objects and components but everything I hated about maintaining old code evaporated once I did. I used to believe that objects detangled code, I don’t know why I continued to believe that despite the evidence, because apart from pretty small and simple things, OO code gets extremely tangled. Elm is absurdly easy to refractor, so you just do.

It’s genuinely nice to add new features to old code, something I’ve never experienced before in a few decades of programming.

The elm slack is also a very helpful place indeed and you usually get a lot of support pretty quickly.

Adding the link to their front page, I see they call it “A delightful language for reliable web applications” and the first claim is “no runtime exceptions”. I remember thinking that was marketing BS but being intrigued by the bold claim. A few years later and I can honestly say that that accurately describes my experience.

These last few years I’ve rediscovered the joy of coding.

I don’t think I have an iron in this fire, but I do think that filtering some crap out of a gullible person’s Internet feed is way kinder and way healthier than cutting them out of your life completely.

Well, sounds like you’re well on your way to hand-rolling your own product comparison tool that’s Powered By AI TM. You could make a popular price comparison site that initially filters out all that cruft and just gives you simple, clear, easy to read information about products.

Version 2 could have handy links to the cheapest websites.

Once it gets super popular you could offer retailers the chance to ensure their products and prices are correct. Perhaps a nice easy AI powered upload where you dump the info on whatever format you like, check it’s understood and go live.

You could later offer retailers the chance to host a store front with you, or maybe allow initially just one or two, very tasteful, clearly marked-as-advertisment links for strictly AI-sanctioned relevant upselling, you know, offer the warranty with the product, or the printer with the fancier ink alongside the ones that exactly matched the criteria.

Once your engagement with retailers is strong, and they know they’ll be missing out on a lot of custom, you can start maximising your income from them.

Or, wait did this whole cycle repeat itself many times over with many websites and many corporations?

Enshitification is real, and it’s already AI powered. We don’t know exactly why what’s in front of us when we’re online is the thing that is most likely to get us to keep scrolling and clicking and purchasing and maximising profits, but it’s reasonable to assume that on a lot of successful websites, some sort of AI system chose it for exactly those purposes.

It’s nice that you feel AI will get us away from the power of the multinational corporations, but I think it’s vastly more likely that the AI we use will fall under their control and they will be twenty steps ahead of us. They were the ones who popularised it in the first place!

(Personally, I tend to use some reviewing sites that I trust and in particular for phones, a spec agreggator so I can filter out the five year old products that amazon is offering me.)

You know that a LLM is a statistical word prediction thing, no? That LLMs “hallucinate”. That this is an inevitable consequence of how they work. They’re designed to take in a context and then sound human, or sound formal, or sound like an excellent programmer, or sound like a lawyer, but there’s no particular reason why the content that they present to you would be accurate. It’s just that their training data contains an awful lot of accurate data which has a surprisingly large amount of commonality of meaning.

You say that the current crop of LLMs are good at Wikipedia style questions, but that’s because their authors have trained them with some of the most reliable and easy to verify information on the Web. A lot of that is Wikipedia style stuff. That’s it’s core knowledge, what it grew up reading, the yardstick by which it was judged. And yet it still goes off on inaccurate tangents because there’s nothing inherently accurate about statistically predicting the next word based on your training and the context and content of the prompt.

Yes, LLMs sound like they understand your prompt and are very knowledgeable, but the output is fundamentally not a fact-based thing, it’s a synthesized thing, engineered to sound like its training data.

I don’t know why you want to use an AI to purchase goods and learn about products. That’s what the current www is really really strong at. Lots of people are spending an awful lot of money to make that information really easy to discover, and popular search engines definitely prioritise that information.

Also, if an AI is to give you price and product information it’s going to have to be reading live web pages, which will of course be full of ads. SEO will become AIO/LLMO. There is no end to the time and money advertisers are prepared to pour into getting products in front of users. The irony is that you seem to want to view products and you have this weird perspective where you’re keen to avoid ads for products so that you can view marketing information about products without the ads.

It’s already fairly hard to tell without knowing some good websites or reading through to conclusions and using some common sense whether a review website is honest or biased. I don’t know why you think an AI with access to the Internet will filter out fake reviews and content crafted to lead you to specific products over others.

Also, downloading and configuring your own AI is unlikely to be the way the “AI revolution” comes. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Apple and other mega corporations will be funding the “AI revolution” and will not sit idly by allowing their kingdoms to crumble.

The number of people who will be saved from the corporations that run the online world by open source grass roots AI will be smaller than the number of people who are saved by Linux from proprietory products and SAAS.

Yeah, everyone will get used to using an AI to interact with the web, but it will be freely supplied by a corporation, and I PROMISE you the enshitification of AI has been long planned before we even reach step one of making it awesome for the masses.

Yeah but javascript has 473 popular frameworks and counting, and the churn is immense. Your codebase becomes out of date before you’ve finished writing it.

And the debugging?! I’ll try to finish writing this paragraph despite the uncontrollable twitching. Let’s just say that javascript is the kind of language that looks at your car with a missing left front wheel and says “let’s go”, while your IDE whispers “Yes, but maybe just don’t turn right. Certainly don’t turn right fast, unless you want to of course.”

I’m not who you were speaking to, but back when I used to read it occasionally, the stack overflow blog repeatedly mentioned that the vast majority of its traffic comes from Google. If the vast majority of your traffic comes from Google and then your traffic quantity changes dramatically, it’s reasonable to look to the source of your traffic.

That’s really really really annoying, as someone who has a good, strong brain-based password algorithm and hates it when websites forbid my strong password forcing me to make an exception.

There might be fewer posts on lemmy’s programmer humor, but they make me chuckle more often. Thanks for sharing.

News just in: Resolving things that people are unhappy about with their body improves their self image and mental health. Later we’ll talk about how increasing wages may reduce poverty and how giving state aid directly to healthcare providers rather than insurance companies can improve healthcare and reduce costs.

  • “Let’s go full on right wing, don’t hold back, it’ll be great for the economy!”
  • Economy crashes hard, fast.
  • “Stupid media didn’t understand how great our policy was for the long term,” (for the uber rich, in the short term) “and never gave us the chance to see it work” (transfer more, for longer, from poor to rich).
  • Millions and millions of people have their costs spiral even more out of control and have even more desperate hardship than they already had
  • “It’s so desperately unfair, they’re so mean to me for making me feel bad.”

I had restarted using apps because the mobile webpage had become toxic with pushing me to the official app that I knew from reputation was toxic for UI. It kept forgetting where I was and reloading the whole page, uncompacting the threads I’d finished reading.

Reddit quite deliberately drove me off the mobile web interface, I just didn’t go where they wanted, just to boost and bacon reader. I’ll see if they still work tomorrow, but I’m enjoying using lemmy more, because it seems to be where all the sane people who like good conversation went.

This is the kind of respectful, well informed, nuanced debate that I used to have on reddit and missed terribly until I joined the fediverse. I’m worried it’s going to take some fairly firm moderation to keep it from nastifying in the future.

There’s a bit of a culture clash going on in these defederation debates between the “yay it’s the wild west, reddit admins can’t tell us what to do, we can go anywhere and do anything” folks on the one hand and the “yay it’s collaborative, reddit admins can’t tell us what to do, we can build community and do our own thing and have our own rules” folks on the other.

I think that just as much as we as individuals can go where we like and interact with what we want, mods can set up whatever instances they want with whatever rules and federation boundaries they want.

Sooner or later two people’s freedoms bump into each other and someone’s desired freedom to say something hits someone else’s desired freedom from hearing something.

I think that painting defederation as a destabilising nuclear option that will kill the fediverse is as extreme as saying the same of moderation. The mods at beehaw decided that defederation was the best solution in the short term to some problems including some highly nasty content that pretty much everyone condemns, without themselves becoming overwhelmed. I respect that. Beehaw is, as far as I can tell, a great place, and I’m sure it takes a lot of work to keep it that way. The beautiful and intricate garden you’re walking through might not be able to exist without the wall separating it from the pigs next to it. I know you’re not a pig, but also you know that the wall isn’t a huge deal, given that there’s a gate.

This is the best solution - copying accounts across would just replicate the problems of being overwhelmed that the beehaw mods were trying to avoid by defederating. They absolutely would want to stop auto-copying of accounts from exactly the same instances that they’ve defederated from.

Having fediverse apps that can handle multiple accounts would solve the problem for folks that can be bothered to make a beehaw account because they like the vibe over here but stop the low effort folks from carelessly posting low effort, high hassle nastiness here because they think that federated means unmoderated freedom rather than cooperative interlinked communities, partly because they just don’t see beehaw posts for them to interact with.

I think that the problem I had was “but which instance should I join?” and the answer that I understood when I saw someone commenting from mastadon in lemmy.ml or something was “it doesn’t matter.”

Then it became “but which one do I want to join and be associated with?” and after a day or two, I found feddit.uk, which appealed to me very much as a concept. I’ve been happy with my choice.

I occasionally worry that I’ll need to create other accounts on other instances, but thankfully I’m not (yet!) blocked from the communities I subscribed to on beehaw, beehaw being the place that I most nearly made an account.

I’m not sure that an auto-copy of accounts is simple in practice or secure in principle, and I worry that it would make experiencing the fediverse even more complicated, eg I’m commenting on beehaw, but should I use my feddit.uk or my usenet.revisited.digg.lemmy account?

I worry that it would also fail to solve your moderation quandries - the beehaw mods would want to block exactly the auto-copied accounts from other instances that are the only duplicate accounts you would need because you can already access content from outside the blocked instances without creating other accounts.