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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Best I was able to find was lucid chart, worked great, but I’ll have to check out diagrams.net based on all these comments.

Is your equipment running too hot? Mine seems to run fine at that ambient temperature.

I did a quick search and found there are self-evaporating units that don’t require a condensation drain.

I did a DIY NAS in an old 2U case I had. It has a TFX type of PSU, and it’s not very loud. Quiet(ish) 1U fans are hard to find but you shouldn’t need any. I’ll edit this post with more details when I dig up the pictures of it.

+1 for send it. I’ve only had one in 5 ignored. You can kind of guess who’s going to ignore it if you look at the website of the tld you’re emailing.