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Cake day: Jul 20, 2023


Imma need a source for that last part. I’ve never seen anyone dog ok the CBC, ever. In fact, on Reddit when a CBC article would make it to the front page it would be universally acclaimed for being factual and having an unbiased, effective voice. Most if not all criticism that I’ve seen of the CBC comes from both extremes of the political spectrum.

Oh please, you saw it as a quick way to immigrate and you leapfrogged over everyone with a legitimate asylum claim. I have no sympathy and no remorse for my country kicking your ass to the curb.

Around my area on the west coast we get a lot of artificial turf lawns. Best of both worlds if you can shell out 5-10k.

Why the fuck do they have lawns in the first place? You live in as close to a desert as Canada has, lay out some gravel, throw a cactus or two in, and call it a day.

The more shit comes out the more I’m thinking of becoming vegetarian

Ahhh shit yeah election reform. That remains my biggest gripe with him actually. Good point bringing up the pipeline, I get why it was needed but it still stings. Immigration, while I agree is being executed poorly, is unfortunately needed for a stagnant nation like ours. I think I agree that he’s not terrible but not great. However, his ineptitude gets blown away out of proportion by the cons and I feel like lefties are afraid to voice their support.

Yeah I mean I don’t want to be presumptuous, but that seems like all there is to it. I do know the whole SNC Lavelin and ArriveCan controversies aren’t good looks, but other than that, I think he’s been a really good PM. I actually SEEK out info that says otherwise because I feel like I’m going crazy being the only one to say it.

What exactly has Trudeau done wrong? I keep seeing comments like this but I can’t recall anything.

Found the person fraudulently claiming disability I guess?

My next question is how easy is it to claim disability? How prevalent are fraudulent claims?

What makes you say that? CFIB is an independent lobby organization on behalf of small businesses and has the ears of all major political parties. I checked OPs account and they have also posted about the housing and affordability crises, with articles from the CBC and other credible news outlets.

They didn’t specify a breed but they mentioned “very-large breed”. I’m assuming that to mean a mastiff of some sort?

As opposed to the millions of people who are about to become reliant on the healthcare systems? We need new workers, and whether we like to admit it or not, Canadians don’t like working dirty jobs.

I’ve seen quite a few posts and articles recently citing the Canadian Taxpayer Federation. I want to provide some information about who the CTF is, according to Wikipedia:

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF; French: Fédération canadienne des contribuables) is a federally incorporated, non-profit organization in Canada. The Federation describe as a populist “citizens advocacy group” but critics accuse it to be an astroturf organization.

They have 5 members, or board of directors, who decide the direction of the organization. Many of their directors go on to or come from conservative, separatist, or far-right political parties. A number have gone on to be editors for right wing media such as the Toronto Sun and the National Post.

So when they say "x% of Canadians disagree with [liberal policy], just keep in mind who their respondents are and what the organizations here to do.

So if someone rents out a room in their home they shouldn’t be able to deny you because you have kids… Rent control and tenancy rights are fine but a line needs to be drawn

Allow me to be the devil’s advocate: low salaries for our MPs would lead to either wealthy people taking office, or people supplementing their income with lobby money and self interests outside politics. Neither of these are good things, so unfortunately a high salary (which is like, $100,000 + a parliamentary bonus) is the compromise.

I’m taking this to mean that more money is ending up in the hands on banks and landlords, not that the employees have more exposable income.

The most insane part is that they’re all mouthpieces for the government. There is very few dissenting or critical media orgs in India at the moment.

With all the news about microplastics maybe we should go back to glass bottles.

What a ridiculous statement though. There were people in Canada before the current indigenous people, does that make our First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples settlers and conquerors? Where’s the buck stop?

I get what you’re saying, and as a med hopeful that would be my dream, but the result would be an undesirable salary for Canadian doctors. They’d simply move to the States and make literally hundreds of thousands more. Not to mention that doctors have massive amounts of debt from school, as well as large overhead costs when running practices.

Canada’s reluctance to impose sanctions and do what’s right is fucking disgusting. We’re cozying up to them again, we can’t even hold them accountable. Disgraceful

Is it fucked up that I’m glad it wasn’t a shooting for political reasons, but also sad because anything less than a shooting was probably a hundred times more painful and terrifying for the victims?

Singh calling Netanyahu’s government “extremist” and “dangerous to democracy”

NDP petition to stop selling weapons to Israel.

NDP pushing Liberals to recognize Palestine as a state.

Jagmeet responding to concerns that he hasn’t addressed the anti-Palestinian racism

Message from the National Council of Canadian Muslims thanking Jagmeet Singh for his efforts to help Palestinians:

Thank you Jagmeet Singh for taking a major step forward by with the NDP’s position on Israel and Palestine. Thank you for your consistent condemnation on illegal settlements, demolitions and plans of annexation, for demanding justice for slain journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, supporting the jurisdiction of the ICC, and for supporting Palestinian human rights groups. Now is the time for the rest of our leaders to step up, and heed the calls of the international community, by demanding justice for Palestine.

How about you do some research next time before you go around being a reactionary.

The only change that matters is eliminating the Senate, or at least making them elected.

That’s actually a pretty good take on the topic, and even though I shouldn’t be, I’m surprised at the nuance of her reply.

You’re right, I exaggerated the point for effect and shouldn’t have.

Do you have proof that the roommate was stalking her with a shotgun, or are you just making assumptions? The article only mentions that she was threatened with the gun once, and makes no mention of subsequent occasions including any firearms.

Edit: a quick Google search of “Daria bloodworth shotgun” returns no results. Did you just invent the detail of it being a shotgun?

Because it doesn’t take an academic to understand the difference between a domestic dispute being taken advantage of and someone who’s being cleansed by a regime.

If this person was a trans person from Afghanistan then that absolutely would have been a justified refugee claim.

Stop being disingenuous. There are plenty of states in the US that are very LBGT friendly. This person was in Colorado, which has extremely lax gun laws, so of fucking course they’re at risk of gun violence. And it’s not state-sponsored violence, it was a personal conflict. They have many, many options to ensure their safety in the US, including changing their name and moving. Both of which are easier than moving to Canada.

Being targeted by a single person doesn’t make someone applicable for asylum. And there are about 49 other states this person can move to if they actually cared about finding a solution. We shouldn’t put this person on the same level as victims of state-sponsored genocide, political prisoners, and others. There are other plenty of other cases of people not receiving police protection from stalkers, just because they’re trans doesn’t means that’s why.

Lmfao this is a joke right? It’s this person’s responsibility to find new accomodations, and move if they need to. You can’t just fucking claim asylum because you have a stalker. Absolutely ridiculous argument.