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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


After a barren period , I think there are more clients that feeds these days .

I am always keen to understand why / how these guys incurs costs of centralising data like this, when decentralising seems to be an obvious solution.


These guys. Do a bit of reading, but the last I heard they were genuinely interested in this sort of thing.

Even try /r/datahoarders on Reddit. In fact, I’d be surprised if someone isn’t already working on something like this.

I’ve got a Sinology nas I could use for this. I might have to hit you up for some pointers.

Bait and switch.

I’m ditching it. The convenience has gone and content has gone. I built a wish list which is now mostly unavailable.

I need to up my game in terms of automating my torrenting and making it family - accessible.

Out of interest, how do you guys read your ebooks ? Tablets ? E-readers ? Laptops ? Just interested to see who does what.

Yes just a couple of bucks here and there.

Almost BECAUSE they’ve done it for free, I like to chip in .

Let us not forget, 1 trillion types of non alcoholic drinks already exist.

People don’t event know when they a being marketed.

When most people bought their PCs, Windows was already bought and paid for and installed by the vendor, so piracy might not have hit as hard as you think.

If you’re Microsoft, that last thing you want is people having a choice of operating system - either in the store, or when they get home - so you make sure it’s a done deal before the PC is unboxed.

That’s SOP for Microsoft, and what got them into trouble when they were bundling Internet Explorer.

It’s also worth noting, that Linux hasn’t always been a competitive desktop product for the home market.

Well public relations 101 is that you refer to anyone who breaches your security as “highly skilled “

Some of the sports streaming sites have done this too. Any ideas if this will work there ?

Oh look ! A programmers meme thread has descended into a technical argument.

The whole scratch thing is extremely well put together and is easy to teach. Small chunks, fast results, forgiving environment. It gets kids thinking programmatically without even trying and for those that take to it, it is trivial to say “here are some code words, write this in code”

The only challenges are differences in ability which in a mixed class of 8-12 yo might be significant, so it would work best if you segment them into those that grasp it quickly and those that take a little longer (not necessarily age)

The hard bit with teaching kids anything in keeping them tuned in, and a segment approach can help.

I like the way you wrote this in history class