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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Fuck Gary Bowser and Team Xecuter in general, he doesn’t deserve the punishment he got but I feel no sympathy for him.

Read up on how they stole GPL’d code from other Switch hackers for their closed source SX OS, and then had the fucking nerve to charge for it.

Piracy is one thing, but what they did hurt the Switch hacking scene, for their own profit.

I didn’t mean “dictate” literally, but whatever, I agree with everything you wrote pretty much.

I mostly went into this discussion in the first place because I was annoyed that like half the replies were about the name and not the software - when the name really isn’t that extreme. But at this point I’m part of the problem, so I’ll stop now.

I’m actually not European (I mentioned it because others did in this thread, I think the developers are?).

In any case, I do “get the gist” but I disagree with it - why should the mainstream culture of a foreign country dictate what I can or can’t say (or name my project)?

And even if I did agree with you on that point, I would disagree with applying that logic to a term like “crackpipe” which isn’t considered a slur at all.

If you think the name is offensive, don’t use it. Once again, this project is a server for hosting pirated games, it’s not like they need to be advertiser friendly or whatever.

“Amateurish”? This is literally a server for hosting pirated games, who gives a fuck.

Also, if your first thought after reading the word crackpipe is black people, maybe you’re the racist one.

And even if in the US it does have this connotation (IDK I’m not American), why should Europeans care?