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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


[…] ready enough to convince your boss that it’s ready to replace you at your job."

That’s great though. Then said boss can rehire the people they fired for a noicely risk-adjusted premium.

Stupidity traditionally hurts (the wallet)

PostgreSQL is definitely a boost to performance, especially if you offload the DB to a dedicated server (depending on load, can even be a cluster)

Nevertheless, it probably has much to do with how it’s deployed and how many proxies are in front of it, and/or VPN. If you have large numbers of containers and small CPU/low memory hardware, and either running everything on one machine or have some other limitations, it’ll be slow.

Admittedly, I’m not very familiar with the codebase, but I feel Apache isn’t improving the speed either. Not exactly sure how PHP is nowadays with concurrency and async, but generally a microservice type architecture is nice because you can add more workers/instances wherever a bottleneck emerges.

Virtual high five! Keep it up, I’m always happy to see someone find joy and a sense of accomplishment in programming things.

Check out polymorphism and concurrency when you feel you’re solid enough on the other things. Concurrency/threading can be a bit weird to wrap your head around, but essential to build powerful things. (See Reader-/Writer problem to start)

This is true. However, I don’t see this happening as the website/browser isn’t really the problem with online banking, it’s more often the user.

On another note, how about no access at all, because this is a freaking huge attack surface for (D)DOS. Imagine you just invalidate signatures of all traffic to and from an attestation service. You could almost stop countries from functioning. That’s a serious vulnerability which we can easily do without.

I have both my own email server and an additional paid email provider. not expensive and has very nice functionality in terms of sync, aliases, etc.

If they now said I needed some 3rd party bullshit to access their site, I would quit paying them. There are tons of these smaller businesses.

I doubt they will just be like “oh well, guess i’ll die, Daddy Google said so”

What i’m saying is, it doesn’t have to be google OR become a tech wizard. There is a middle path that just costs a dollar.