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Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


“In related news, the director of the Halo TV series will be taking over artistic control.” /s

Gerrymandering is complicated. Simplest version; it involves diluting the vote of smaller groups who likely would have been able to vote in representation into the government if not for the interference.

This is done by breaking up that voting group among groups that favor the manipulating party.

The wiki on it does a good job of providing the details.

You are right that anything done can be undone BUT it requires the same level of governmental control. And if you can gerrymander the heck out of the voters, you can pass almost anything.

Note: it is not a purely ‘popular’ vote. That would bypass gerrymandering. Gerrymandering depends on block voting.

Relevant quote from the article for the critical info to save some the read:

But the problem with using aeration as a proxy for proof of life, many medical experts argue, is that babies don’t have to take a breath for air to enter their lungs. Air can be introduced when the baby’s chest is compressed as it squeezes through the birth canal. If there is an attempt to resuscitate a stillborn baby, that pressure can inflate the lungs. And if a body has started to decompose, gases from that process can cause the lungs to float in water. Even the ordinary handling of a stillborn baby can allow air to enter the lungs.

I want to support this. SteamDeck is amazing with enulation. Is it perfect? No! Occasional glitches and graphics issues, but a really handy and easy option.