• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


is that really a thing for unit files? Why the hell a comment needs escaping?

well, that’s up to women in tech to explain what the movement advocates for, he’s laying out his experience

Like what? Some L takes on wars or politics? Because that’s all I’m seeing.

exactly, vague accusations in a lot of places, nothing remotely concrete.

…so I’m gonna go with “the people’s reactions to him likely had a point”

…and this is exactly the problem

ok, I’m left, but how’s that of any relevance.

if you can’t put a name or even quote an allegation, maybe you shouldn’t comment.

there are lots of intellectually dishonest people intentionally misrepresenting what others say in the hopes others - like yourself - parrot it just for likes and visibility.

twitter happened, I guess

But today I stumbled across a long twitter thread that I can only describe as intentional character assassination. The author of this thread is misrepresenting facts and making some pretty nasty accusations. Again this is not all that unusual, except for the fact that I was not invited to defend myself. […] The gist of this author’s thread is that I am a misogynist; and that I should not be taken seriously in any regard. I understand that efforts have been made to have me excluded from conferences, and to boycott the publisher of my books, etc.

- Uncle Bob in 2017

source and context

he’s a programmer since the 70s

Robert C. Martin


I’ll steal this to shit talk about code; until git blame points to my past self

at job interview

“ah sure, I’ll solve it in n log(n) for you with an obscure algorithm because n² is too slow for your 1000 customers, even though there’s no perceived difference for n<10⁷.”

Nginx handles more connections than Apache, given the same resources. HAProxy does not have web server functionality like the former two, so Nginx is the natural upgrade from Apache. Caddy is relatively new, I’m not sure how it compares other than being easier to set up.

I have a ~40TB HDD array and jellyfin is super fast

I hope it is. But OP has a single drive.

As someone who had jellyfin running on HDD and moved it to a solid state: it’s a night and day difference when loading things. The reduced storage capacity for the same cost is very much worth it IMO.

OP wants it to last, so I wouldn’t consider used hardware an option

that might work; I don’t know if you live in a remote area, but I’d also consider a coffee shop, library, university, or hotel lobby with wifi. You might be able to download it within an hour.

A 50GB download takes less than 12h on a 10Mbps internet. And I had a 10Mbps link 10 years ago in a third world country, so maybe check your options with your ISP. 50GB really should not be a problem nowadays.

if your tractor can’t run farming simulator, is it even a tractor?

Doing that with GNU or WINE will use your entire memory

of course nods along

my favorite JS framework is HTMX for making me write less JS or even none at all.

I don’t think so. A half-measure using docstrings would likely take more processing power and require an ad-hoc implementation because comments are not broken down into ast components afaik. It would also be more costly in the long run if they decide to convert it into a proper syntax, as a result of docstrings not having a single standard way of being written.

Python has introduced several syntactic changes for type annotations, this is not unreasonable.

So you have to do dumb workarounds like declaring every bool values as bool | np.bool_ or casting bool_ down to bool.

these dumb workarounds prevent you from shooting yourself on the foot and not allowing JS-level shit like "1" + 2 === "12"

I’ve been using copilot for a while to know it’ll be something like timeBottom and timeTop.

But if anyone’s getting this recommendation there’s probably not much code in that file or the code is trash. Garbage in, garbage out.

that’s still a docstring, idk of linters that take docstrings into account at all. We need a semantic approach for this kind of annotation.

nothing wrong with that - it is an exception, as in, the customer is likely lost after that anyway.

Any validation you can write with a few early returns you can write with an equivalent conditional/s followed by a single nested block under it, followed by a single return. The reader is free to leave the validation behind just the same.

And that conditional indents your entire function one level - if you have more validation checks, that’s one level of indentation per check (or a complicated condition, depends whether you can validate it all in one place). It’s pretty much the case the other user illustrated above.

Returns inside business logic past validation is where the problematic bugs of this class show up

That much we agree. But again, this is not an early return issue, putting too much logic in a function is the issue. Rewriting it without early returns won’t make it much clearer. Creating other functions to handle different scenarios will.

You can say any execution flow controls are like gotos - continue, break, exceptions, switch, even ifs are not much more than special cases of gotos.

This is true regardless of the size of the function which shows that the size of the function isn’t the determinant

Logical clarity does tend to worsen as the function grows. In general, it is easier to make sense of a shorter function than a longer one. I don’t know how you could even say otherwise.

Early returns are still great for argument validation. The alternative means letting the function execute to the end when it shouldn’t, just guarded by if conditions - and these conditions any reader would have to keep in mind.

When a reader comes across an early return, that’s a state they can free from their reader memory, as any code below that would be unreachable if that condition was met.

I hate it when some blame early returns for the lack of maintainability.

Early returns are a great practice when doing argument validation and some precondition checks. They also avoid nested blocks that worsen readability.

What’s being described there is a function that tries to do too much and should be broken down. That’s the problem, not early returns.

I thought it was just incrementing the address and dereferencing it, but I don’t write C or C++. What is being overloaded there?

I’d look into AV1 decoding benchmarks, regardless of NVIDIA vs AMD, as I’ve been using NVIDIA on Jellyfin for a while with no issues.

HEVC is not as relevant IMO, as it’s not available through browsers due to license restrictions (ffmpeg / mpv works fine), so I’d focus on AV1 capabilities, which is not available in many cards.

a fellow two marshmallow kid, I see

then you’d limit the existing network addresses using subnets, as suggested by another answer in that question

Carlos Chelfo, Copyright Protection Coordinator at ANCINE, was instructed to review work with the MPA to ensure that, moving forward, the protection of Brazilian content would always take priority. The deal itself was terminated. And that’s why Brazil is causing such concern for the IIPA in the United States, and what prompted its comment to the USTR[…]

As it’s expected from a Brazilian governmental agency. “Americans trying to dictate how other countries work” exhibit #2925.

“cross-platform” exe

lists windows, windows, and windows disguised as wine

nice stack traces don’t matter when PHP has the best built-in name: die()

yes, a bind mount / bind volume is when a volume is explicitly mapped to a location in your local storage rather than managed by docker and likely owned by root.
