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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I’m sure they thought it wasn’t a moral panic last time too. You sound the same as the adults when i was a young person. Exactly the same. Everyone here does.

You need to ask questions of yourself, I mean, you can ignore the questions of yourself, but that is heading down the same road, but this time, it’s resulting in actual censorship of the things young people use instead of just a panic.

Again with this, what was it last time. The mobile phones? Then the video Games? Then the movies and the TV? The rock music? The radio?

They aren’t spending the money to preserve film either. The best case is storing the film in salt mines, and that only slows the degradation. Film isn’t being digitally scanned unless there’s a uhd release to profit from it, and every week that it isn’t scanned, it degrades a little more

Yeah, I think the ‘successors’ are still in dmca violation (at least one not sure about the other). But it’s still early days, anyway. Yuzu was successful because of the dedicated team behind it. Just setting up other repos doesn’t mean much yet. It’s gonna take months to see how things shake out.

But you can’t deny the potential chilling effect of it all. Nintendo has shown that they will come for you.

Honestly, anyone that was gonna emulate switch already knew, and nintendo has all their big hitters out of the way so isn’t going to be loosing much in terms of sales to piracy at this point. they just want a chilling effect for switch 2

I’m gonna just preface this by saying Nintendo suck and I don’t agree with what they are doing.

But it’s worth understanding what is happening here, nintendo isn’t just throwing random legalize against the wall to find something that sticks. They are specifically going after yuzu via a fairly well tested part of the DMCA.

The DMCA allows them this, and if you don’t feel like nintendo or anyone else should get to dictate what device you play the games you own on, you should be looking into whatever you can do to pressure your representatives to add to the many exceptions of that dmca clause for this purpose.

The answer that the status service websites will tell you: we automatically detect outages by performing http requests and checking responses for errors

the actual answer: some overworked developer gets woken up at 3am via pagerduty and manually set the status website to an outage state

No. But not because of AI. There’s currently hundreds of thousands of out of work people surrounding tech. You’re competing with them for every job.

Even then, most of engineering isn’t in the nuts and bolts of putting it together. It’s in the endless discussions and decisions that lead to the nuts and bolts.

This “no mans land” you speak of is probably 99.999% of home assistant users. Managing docker is not something that most people want to do or know about.

I feel like this is a very modern problem with the community. I’ve been in open source for a long time, I’ve been employed by some of these companies to write open source things.

Most open source stuff was created by someone who was employed to write that open source thing. There are exceptions, of course, but most things came about because of a need, and that need is often related to work. Companies used to be a lot better with allowing open sourcing of components.

Then, there are all the community contributions that come from commercial reasons. If someone working at a company fixes a bug they encounter, that’s someone being paid to write open source software.

I do not understand the reaction people are having to this now. The open source ecosystem was built on this.

I just want it to be on par with the Roku or it’ll wind up in the trash heap

in the nicest way possible. lower your expectations. or accept the data-selling, or VPN through europe so you can deny the ads.

Look for air mouse. It’s basically a wiimote. Uses gyroscope to pretend to be a pointer device. You’ll need that because you’re basically going to need to use a web browser if you want to go down this path.

It’s not a nice experience but all the nice experiences you won’t like.

before you could tell an encoder to run multiple threads, but everything outside of the encoder would run effectively single threaded.

now you (should) be able to have all the ffmpeg components, decoder, encoder, filters, audio, video, everything all run parallel

You can, the store is closed, you can still download games to it. It’s easier to just pirate them, however

I couldn’t find anything, just clicking around. Does z library not have a mechanism for others to make backups of its data? It looks like generally there are lots of limits around downloading, which makes sense. Most people need a handful of books. But without full data backups spread around multiple data hoarding nerds systems globally. When the inevitable day comes that the whole thing gets shut down they’ll be nothing to bring back

Solar panels and mining crypto when the sun is out and electricity is free. Nothing else will bring you any profit. And it’s unlikely you’ll be able to mine anything in any time length that is useful

Someone else already said this, but to be clear, the form of drm keeps the image encrypted through to your monitor, the monitor decrypts it so you can’t screen capture it without breaking the drm.

Email them. If your files are legitimate content for the website, they will give you greater access. Otherwise, you’re abusing a limited resource, so maybe find a different place.

Archive.org does good work and shouldn’t be taken advantage of.

All the TVs built in stuff is not going to be the best experience. Doubly for self-hosted. A tv with android os, or a dongle inserted into a tv will do much much much better than samsung or lgs apps. An appletv too but then you’re spending a lot more

is that why people are mad? wild, kinda funny

anyone can start a private torrent community for what it’s worth, you don’t have to get in, you just need it to be private. why doesn’t this community start one? it’s good digital hygiene

No idea sorry, I got into mine a decade ago. Know someone is best. Private trackers are hard to get into for this exact reason so yeah

Enable full bidirectional encryption in your torrent client and only use reputable private tracker communities, and you won’t have these kind of issues

Multiply your server wattage by 8 hours. That’s how much battery you need. It’s probably not going to be a cheap investment.

The alternative would be to keep your ups and invest in a generator you can kick on if there is a power cut, but if it’s every day, that might get rough. Technology connections figured out a build it yourself solution a few years ago https://youtu.be/1q4dUt1yK0g?si=8WOTue9-zGghWlxY