• 4 Posts
Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Feb 07, 2024


If this was the first time the world heard of onion routing, then yes.

Now they can realize that you’re probably just one step in the chain. And with i2p there’s no way to know if they even reached the end of the chain (provided you host i2p for long enough).

the tor onion network. But no exits to clearnet.

Everybody contributes bandwith. And because everybody contributes bandwith, privacy is created because you can never know if you reached the end of the chain and found the creator of the first network request.

In theory it’s a lot more secure than the tor network. In practice it gets 1/100th of the funding, because you have to be a computer nerd to even install it, need a computer to keep it running 24/7 (longer you run, more privacy) , while tor browser “Just works” and can start providing privacy to everybody right away.

Is there any alternative to i2p torrenting if you want to torrent without a VPN? Other than living in a third world country.

Tor seems fast now but in my day and age, it was an hour to see the wikipedia main. (Or at least felt like it)

How will dbzer0 handle IP subpoenas?
I'm referencing this article: https://torrentfreak.com/film-companies-seek-torrenting-history-related-to-redditor-240220/ Given that they're expanding to reddit, I was wondering how dbzer0 is setup to handle similar requests. The legal help page for dbzer0 is just an e-mail address.

This is the way. Remember the great work all the Nobel Laureates did. Before they started rambling that Magikarp is an endangered species.

Would you need a VPN for that? Cause if the MPAA lawyers have to throw money at programmers to make an example, then they will.

If you do need a VPN, then i2P would be a better choice, though it suffers from network size/speed.

Edit 01:

Per https://lemmy.ca/u/mp3 https://lemmy.ca/comment/2015681

File discoverability is poor, most people will not know how to act as a node and mirror files, and there’s no builtin privacy protection in place and it’s quite easy to figure out which IP addresses are hosting something.