“I’m knittin’ like a fuckin electric nan”

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jan 15, 2022


The DNC still has time to win over these voters. Does the DNC want to win the election badly enough to stop a genocide?

Probably yes. This would be for if you are starting fresh. It is a modified Debian install.

Yunohost is self hosting. You install Debian on your computer/server at home and run the Yunohost setup script.

Yeah, I can’t fuck with Docker either. Check out Yunohost if you want something that is actually easy to get up and running.

Love it. Been using it for almost 10 years now. I host Nextcloud, Navidrome and Gotify. I have used it for other services over the years. Super easy and really friendly and responsive support.

That’s what ACAB means though. You cannot trust cops, because there’s no real accountability for them. Why is there no accountability? Because their colleagues lie for them, their bosses lie for them, the prosecutors decline to prosecute them, judges trust them implicitly, their unions intimidate mayors and lobby politicians for more funding, tougher laws (for non-cops) and less accountability for themselves.

The system is so fucked up that reforming it seems like a waste of time. Actual “good cops” get squeezed out or worse. You might as well assume that ACAB, because the stakes are too high to assume otherwise.

It goes back to bipartisan suppression of any leftist movements of any consequence.

Yeah that rings a bell. Weirdly I woke up this morning to an abuse complaint from my hosting provider after years of no issues.

I know about that setting, but this was different. It relies on Linux permissions. Like you have a dedicated ‘user’ for running qBit, and that user has no privileges for any network interface other than the VPN.

I had someone help me set something similar up but I don’t remember the exact details. Something like making the qBit user unable to use any interface but the TUN.

I’ve played with it a bit. I think I was using something called DockStarter and Portainer. Like I said though, I could never quite grasp what was going on. Now for my home webapps I use Yunohost, and for my media server I use Swizzin CE. I’ve found these to be a lot easier, but I will try Docker again sometime.

If you have all of that set up then, what benefit is there to blowing away your container and spinning up a ‘fresh’ one? I’ve never been able to wrap my head around docker, and I think this is a big part of it.

What about your preferences/configs/files (when you spun up a fresh one)?

What’s that at the end of your comment? Is that how you close vim??

I did not see the iPad IP address in the fail2ban logs.

I don’t think so. As I said, this server is a copy of one on another domain that is still working. Also, this new server was able to validate at least once.

I am not seeing anything (relevant) in the Nextcloud logs (as viewed from the web app). In iOS I get a message about SSL verification failed, and do I want to try connecting without it. Either way it cannot validate credentials. I know the username and password are correct (tested multiple times/work to login in the browser), and the SSL cert is valid.

Also /var/log/Nextcloud/ is empty. Where else should I look for logs?

Nextcloud/CardDav/iOS trouble
I am having some trouble with a Nextcloud server. I set up a digitalocean droplet to test contact syncing for work. I went with the setup that I use at home, which is Yunohost and Nextcloud. This was/is working fine to sync contacts with iOS using the built-in support for CardDav accounts in iOS. I made a snapshot of the server and rebuilt it on a work account (also Digital ocean). I reconfigured it for a new domain name, and got a letsencrypt cert. I can login and manage the admin and user accounts. I set up an iPad to use the new server, and it seemed to work fine. However, I subsequently tried a couple other iPhones, and it won't connect to the account. It isn't a fail2ban thing, because on the same apple devices that I can't connect to the accounts on, I can go login to Nextcloud in their browser. What is happening? Edit: I seem to have fixed it by reinstalling the server from scratch. I wanted to eliminate any problems that may have been caused by restoring from a snapshot previously linked to another domain. Everything is working at least for now.

Why do you say that? I use it for my 12+ TB library and it works fine. I’m on the west coast USA, and my vps and storage box are on the east coast.

I use Hetzner storage box, mounted with rclone and it works great.

I appreciate it. I have all my stuff at home running on Yunohost. I’m quite happy with it, but I have tried docker-based projects in the past including dockstarter. I always ended up confused. I don’t have much extra time at the moment for messing with it again, but it’s very kind of you to offer.

It’s hard for me. I’ve tried, but not had much success.

I wish it didn’t require docker :(

Somebody else mentioned it, but I want to second yunohost. That’s where I started years ago, and remain today. I run it on a box at home, and it has Nextcloud, Navidrome and a couple other things installed on it. About as easy as it gets.

For media server (Jellyfin, etc), I have tried several solutions and ended up with swizzin community edition. The hardest part was setting up the VPN to integrate with the torrent client, so I don’t get booted off the Hetzner host. Note that you could also set this up at home.

As you can see by the replies, lots of people want to help you, but very few want to set this stuff up for pay. If you really want to go that route, check out sites like fiverr or upwork.

I don’t have good advice for right now, but as for the future: always have a 5-10GB file on your server that you can delete in an emergency.

I frequently end up with magnet links stuck at “downloading metadata”. If I convert the magnet link to a torrent, it works fine. It is a real annoyance about the otherwise great qbittorrent.

I’m pretty sure I used this setup: https://golb.hplar.ch/2019/01/expose-server-vpn.html

VPS running wireguard server, proxies all traffic to/from my home server. Home server URL DNS records point to VPS static IP. Certbot runs with --no-checks flag to obtain letsencrypt cert.

I have just never been able to wrap my head around it. I have tried a couple projects like Dockstarter before and found them too confusing. The easiest media setup I’ve found so far is Swizzin community edition, which is not docker based.

Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union. Some of the greatest heroes of the war, including Lyudmila Pavlichenko were Ukrainian. And by heroes, I mean they killed a lot of fuckin fascists.

I’m intrigued, but I don’t want to login to a search engine :/

+1 for Yunohost. I’ve never yet been able to figure out docker. Yunohost has kept me happy for years.