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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 31, 2023


That’s more secure than most setups, the VPN with killswitch will defeat any and all attacks you’re likely to encounter if you don’t open files on that same VM.

FDE is for physical attackers, it would have nothing to do with torrenting unless you’re really intending on pissing off every single criminal legal authority and not just worried about civil suits from copyright holders.

I think you’re vastly underestimating how cheap most computers are; consumer laptops are around $300-500 median, that’s what most people use. And those laptops don’t game. The enthusiast computer market, while larger than its ever been, is still a ridiculously small percentage of computers sold.

Developers are too often bad engineers.

This I agree with, but would excuse it by simply stating investment isn’t there for proper engineering standards. I’d love to produce bug-free tested to reasonably unbreakable, ethically implemented code every single time. But I’d be out of a job pretty quickly and replaced by someone willing to do it faster with more critical bugs and no thought of the ethical implications of a failure.

You’re right, that’s why I support genocide. There are too many oppressive laws aimed at oppressing the rights of fascists, or as I’ve taken to calling them, people with genocidal thoughts they’d like to turn into actions. You can’t start oppressing them, otherwise someone could use those laws to oppress me!

Which means they don’t understand the situation and never will. This is not ‘forced out of their profession for something they said outside of work,’ this is ‘an electrician declaring electricity doesn’t exist and encouraging people to cut down power lines.’ This is not ‘oh no he said he likes pizza rolls instead of pizza,’ this is ‘a professional in a field has stopped updating his knowledge in said field and has actively advocated against large parts of his own field based on nothing but his own mental and moral failures.’

Peterson was free to address his ‘concerns’ in a scientific way, giving him the basis to actually argue his points as valid, if alternative scientific fact. The truth his nothing he has ever stated is scientifically defensible; and when you’re licensed to use science in a way that can help or kill people, you need to stay up to date with the science and only use the most up-to-date peer reviewed science.

He is free to speak however he likes, he is free to get almost any profession he likes and speak how he likes, he can’t essentially go against 70 years of scientific advancement because he wants to make money on the side catering to people with 1860s beliefs on science.

Python is legitimately the best language by far for the vast majority of non-performance critical tasks, and most tasks that need to be developed for are not performance critical.