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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2023


They will lose control of the pre roll and post roll ads but maintain control of the ad breaks during the video. This is actually a smart change and data driven.

I thought it already was? Religious rule (especially Islamic rule) is always a recipe for disaster.

I don’t get it. He is a billionaire that can throw money around to have sex with anyone he wants. Why not choose folks that are hot and over 18? All the money in the world and he is messing with minors. It’s just stupid and evil.

I live in rural Michigan where we get several feet of snow each year. I drive a 10 year old used Jeep that was bought in cash with money we saved up so we could have a car that would handle the weather, our family, and the long distances we have to travel to work or shop.

The problem is protests like these hurt working class families. Folks just trying to get by. In my area, you can’t exist without a car. If you want to protest do something that affects the decision makers. People like me have no power.

Android already has mature touch software and runs their RemotePlay app.

it will not make changes that it characterises as “a serious and direct threat to data security and information privacy” for users around the globe

That’s the thing right there. If Apple makes a back door for the UK, they would have difficulties keeping only UK citizens affected. Communications are global. Even if they restricted the back door to conversations involving UK residents, every private group chat that resident user enters becomes snoopable just by that user being there and the history could be made available from before the user entered. It would be like a privacy virus with UK residents as the spreaders.