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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Jan 15, 2024


Whatsapp CANNOT read messages when e2ee is enabled, this client-side snooping was discussed when the protocol was first implemented. Whatsapp collects a ton of metadata and social graph info, but not message content.

Those people are in for a rude awakening when it turns out an erased person can still give them a wack across the head.

VR hype/doom really tends to downplay the importance of material reality. VR offers no shelter, no food, no sex, no true impact in the world. It is only a platform for media.

This is true across tech workers. Having a nice salary kept unionization at bay, but there are no assurances during hard times.

These coordinated layoffs are almost certainly intended drive down labor costs in the long run by flooding the labor pool. Sure in a year we’ll get “not enough developers” stories forgetting to mention the drastically smaller salary…

I haven’t actually noticed this happening before now. My immediate reaction is if it is changes driven by the original creators I’d feel quite positive about it. Love to see personal growth. When driven by the studio though, I’m a bit more skeptical.

Either way, this is why modding should be protected. Let folks play historical/modern/hyper-weird versions of the game they love.

Does anyone know if the mods which currently exists use assets from the Pokemon games, or are community made? That’s the real core of it imo.

Love the spirit, but the DMCA is a mixed bag.

Section 512 may allow for takedowns, but it also ensures web hosts face limited liability and aren’t litigated into hell when a user shares a spongebob meme. Really it’s up to sites to identify and defend fair use when they recieve takedowns, and imo excessive requests on fair use material should be harshly penalized.

Section 1201, which makes it a crime to tamper with DRM however must be destroyed.

This makes a lot of sense. Apple is asking users to use the same apps with the same UI floating in your real workspace. Even if it doesn’t have much gaming support, it’ll be preferable to others (Meta) for the immediate familiarity and utility.

Then again, I can’t imagine it can stay at this price point for long, unless it becomes a MacBook replacement.

I love to bash MS, but this feels like an industry-wide trend to /never/ care about optimizing beyond the bar of “typical specs of new devices in rich countries”. I’m guessing it’s just to limit labor costs, and computers are less-rapidly-improving than the 90s/00s?

Many PW managers let you generate passphrases, which are all around better than random strings. Length is the most important factor so


Is way stronger and easier to remember (and type) than
