• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


I’m using Immich in Nixos. It’s simple. Takes about 10 mins. You need to set Docker up in your configuration.nix then set Immich up using docker compose. Let me know if you need a hand getting it going.

That is very true. I’ve got Tailscale setup and I can get into it through that. Unfortunately I can’t put Tailscale on my work machines, so having access via the web would be useful.

Yeah but the report says the vulnerability is related to graphapi which doesn’t seem to be a part of all OwnCloud installations. I can’t see it on mine either.

Thanks a lot. I’m still getting trusted domain errors. Obviously need to have a dig around.

Thanks for the rec. I’ve got all my stuff running through NPM and am loath to change it just for this one (annoying) thing!

Oof. That’s bad news. I don’t have that bit of kit on my setup though. Luckily.

proxy_pass https://

Thanks. I found it, but still borked. Need to do some digging. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K …

Thanks a lot. Whereabouts do I add it to Nginx? Do I need to do this through the dashboard for the proxy host or is there something in docker that I need to add?

Yeah see I’m not even sure what the env vars are. I’m running it with docker-compose and the only alterations I’ve made to anything are to add my IP address to the config file in the trusted domains array. That’s definitely where it needs to go because if I take it out then it flops hard.

OwnCloud and NGinx = untrusted domain = sadface
I'm running OwnCloud in Docker and have setup NGinx as a reverse proxy. This works perfectly for all my other services, but OwnCloud keeps throwing the untrusted domain error. I've edited the config.php file to add my exampledemain.com but no dice. Does anybody know what I need to do?

Actually this fixed it. Thanks! They can access if I share it but NOT if I add them as a user and then share it. I had to delete them as a user first 🤷‍♂️

Even that doesn’t work. I’ve made them an admin on the machine but they get a message saying they already have access to it. But … they don’t!

It’s the Tailscale IP. I can connect to it no problem.

Yep. It says they are a member of my network. But no dice.

Tailscale - vhat am I doing wrong?
[SOLVED] People of Lemmy. I'm trying (and failing) to get a friend onto my Tailnet. These are the steps: (1) I send them an invite. (2) They accept it. (3) I approve it. (4) They open the app and login. And ... nothing. They don't show up as connected on my admin panel and they can't access any of my connected machines (IP address is fine). I feel like I'm missing something really obvious but can't see what it is. Any ideas? EDIT: All fixed. Needed to share machine directly, but this doesn't work for regular users. Once I deleted them as a user and then shared it was all good. Thanks everyone!

Replying to my own comment to say thanks again for all the tips and advice. I got it all sorted with Tailscale. The final piece of the puzzle!

Ah, I very much did not know that! Ok, I’m off to investigate Tailscale a bit more.

Thanks a lot. Tailscale is out, unfortunately. Because the server also runs Plex and I need to use it with Chromecast on remote access (it’s an old CC, so can’t add tailscale to it). Looking into Cloudflare and port forwarding. I’ve just signed up to NextDNS though, so don’t want to add another layer of DNS stuff to my mix.

Thanks, I’m going to try this.

Thanks, I’m going to try the port forwarding part. That seems like the simplest step. NPM looks very useful though.

This looks really useful. Thanks!

Thanks. I’m still a bit confused about the domain stuff, but I’m looking into it.

Thanks. Annoyingly, perhaps, I’ve just signed up for a year of NextDNS.

Noob NGINX / self-host question
Hi all. Noob question/s here. I want to be able to access my Immich server (docker) externally and maybe set up some others (e.g. Mealio). My understanding is that I need (should) use NGINX reverse proxy for this. My questions are: 1. Do I need to set up NGINX on a VPS (or similar cloud based server) to send the queries to my home box? 2. Do I need to purchase a domain (randomblahblah.xyz) to use as the main access route from outside my house? Thanks a lot.