• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


This looks the most promising. I’ll take a closer look. Does it provide a rtsp stream?

Doorbell kamera solution
Hi, anyone have any good self hosted solution for a doorbell camera? What I need is to have the option to look at who is at the door and be able to actuate a lock (relay operated). I have a cheap Chinese brand solution, but it uses an unknown cloud solution and is very unreliable. A phone app would be fine, but if there's a standalone tablet, that's even better.

This is great! I’ve only recently discovered jq and was thrilled to have it after bashing my head in bash for a couple of days. I replaced the whole operation with a single line. This tutorial is just what I need. I like that it’s interactive and has neatly grouped examples! Bookmarking it, as I’ll need it very soon again.