Let me fall
into the darkness
and become void.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Yeah, like there is a few different angles to it:

  • I learned computer programming for fun. I installed linux, learned C/C++ and wrote simple CLI programs. Then I learned HTML/JavaScript, again purely for fun / my own entertainment. I never intended to earn money with it.

  • If you’re doing it for the money, then you’re fucked. There is simply no way of doing software programming, if you don’t have the will and love for the thing itself. The complexity will break you. Don’t even try. Also, economic chances for programmers are narrowing. I wouldn’t bet my economic future on it. Seriously, do something you love. That’s all the wisdom I have.

Step 1: Download Android Studio
Step 2: Follow any tutorial
Step 3: Profit

literally that simple

… that the nazis of the back side of the moon have been preparing.