Tech enthusiast, love playing drums, and sports.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


At home my systems use Star Wars planet names like Naboo, Coruscant, etc.

At work we use Game of Thrones characters (and we’ve somehow exhausted that list…)

I know it’s not the most popular option here, but Namecheao served me well for several years now. No real complaints that I can think of.

It’s not bad per se, but you really just need to understand the risks involved and have an idea of how to secure your services properly. I personally won’t expose anything if it doesn’t have some sort of centralized auth solution (LDAP preferred) and 2FA to better secure accounts.

It’s also good practice to have some way of mitigating brute-force attacks with something like fail2ban, and a way to outright block known bad IP addresses.