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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Apr 06, 2024


I tried every single proprietary and open source , even self host , markdown notes apps. Obsidian is … just, i always go back to it. I have it with the plugin “Remotely Save”, synced encrypted with OneDrive. It just works, every fucking where with its own app. solid as a petrified dump

There is an option in Immich to arrange the data with no internal files and folders weird codes making.

Agree. But that’s how open pusrce is, for so many years. Until a magical model appears to keep the developers interested in giving time to it? But in the first place doing a foss project you need to understand what you are into. Monetize it after could be, if you want to live from it, but won’t be free anymore. Donation system worked pretty well for this . Don’t understand what is FUTO approach . Something similar to Proton I guess. So many people freaked out by privacy scandals, that made it a billion worth business. first with a massive amount of VPN services, some of them even from the same company and giving them different brands, browsers everywhere with same situation , then self hosting which it seems multiple developers are putting the eye on it as some fresh juice . And FUTO eyes specially

So the donation system doesn’t work? Because there isn’t much difference. Just adding a fixed ammmount $

Foss and community driven is just that, not money making . This is not foss anymore

Just don’t monetarize then. Foss and community driven is just that like many other projects. Clearly these guys are trying to sell the shit

Yeah this getting into a fake toss shit . All starts with FUTO crap and some previous shady movements they did . This will die eventually

What is the file system format of the mounted disk?

This was planed from the begging of these guys developing the project. Don’t be naive guys. What o don’t like is the lack of transparency . It started as complete open and now it’s adding the “but” like many projects already did .

Rclone crypt, cron, whatever cheap cloud or even free service.

Still no suggestion that has wide cross platform and it’s just simple . Matrix has that all . So for now I choose matrix and clients

I have a Chinese minipc (N100 , passive cooling, two network) with proxmox installed, with some vms and some containers running all kind of things in docker too. With an old external usb hdd 4tb plugged in . And Tailscale . Backing up all my shit with rclone crypt to a cheap office365 family plan (4tb) .I have all the self hosting I want for a total … 200 bucks .

Thanks to self hosting my wife hates me more than before. Thank you self hosting !

I saw it comming. The development was on steroids the last months, so it was all arranged. This piss me off.

Same with me. Nextcloud is the typical it does everything but doesn’t excel in anything

Sorry but pop culture from were? I don’t recognize any of those numbers.