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Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


People have been treating a Conservative majority as basically foretold for the last while, but the election is still over a year out. Personally, I’ve been much more reserved with my feelings about our current political trajectory. Recent events from south of the border should make it very clear that even a few months is forever in politics. We’re not in what I would consider an ideal position, but it’s much too early to assume the sky is going to fall.

I’ve said this before, but coming up with no ideas of your own except to crack your whip at other people until they do something is bad McDonald’s manager level of leadership. Housing is an issue country wide, expecting municipalities to each individually come up with solutions for you instead of developing a country wide strategy is going to lead to extremely uneven results at best. Most likely it’s going to be a disaster everywhere because municipalities don’t have the power to deal with root causes like land speculation the way the federal and provincial governments do.

I also would bet money that if municipalities start getting homes built in ways the Conservatives don’t like, like public housing, they will be punished for that as well.

Better than yanks who you can depend on to drag you into a pointless war halfway across the world.

You’ve dragged us into more wars than you’ve defended us in. This idea that there are hordes of hostile countries just salivating at invading us across three oceans is a joke.

In fact, the most significant threat to our safety is your trainwreck of a country deciding it likes fascism actually and doing a Sudetanland to us.

Happy Canada Day to you as well.

Alongside banners commemorating missing and murdered Indigenous women and the victims of Canada’s residential school system, Confederate flags flap gently in the wind.

Wow, I hate everything about that.

With a little research these culture vultures could have used an actual local “rebel” flag, this one:

Picture of the Metis Flag

Red River Resistance

But of course they appropriate a white supremacist flag from American history.

[Non-Paywall Article](https://ghostarchive.org/archive/SLcQf?wr=true)

[Non-Paywall Article](https://ghostarchive.org/archive/kIBTK?wr=true)

“We believe that the province’s commitment to fiscal discipline and stability has wavered in recent years as B.C. has materially increased its spending for both operations and capital investment to unparalleled levels, while economic growth is slowing,” S&P said in its analysis.

So, punishment for Keynesianism? Is this that foreign interference I’ve been hearing about?

Surely Moody’s would never utilize it’s credit ratings dishonestly.

No, this is from Friday. The bit mentioning the January brownouts was making a comparison to those of yesterday.

[Non-Paywall Article](https://ghostarchive.org/archive/dKuob?wr=true)

To illustrate, one previous president of the organization was none other than former Conservative MP and UCP leader Jason Kenney.

Considering the emergency they are fleeing from is not over, one wonders whether that deadline will be extended?

According to a news release, the SIU says the incident began at around 1:30 p.m. when police made a traffic stop in the area of Churchill Avenue and Avondale Avenue. A 25-year-old woman got out of the car and ran away, the SIU said. An officer followed.

“At some point, the officer discharged his firearm and the woman was struck. She was transported to hospital for treatment. The woman is in critical condition,” the SIU said.

Doesn’t sound like she presented a threat to anyone. I don’t think stopping a suspect from running away is a reasonable excuse to shoot them.

It makes perfect sense they would use that angle. The National Post exists to smuggle the American (specifically Republican) perspective into the Canadian political conversation.

I agree with a lot of what you’re saying here, but the author of the article doesn’t so much, I think. His thrust seems to be that we need to embrace urban sprawl, and in the course of doing that, rather than densifying urban residential areas, instead de-densify downtown cores and go all in on suburbs and exurbs.

Pearson Vue GED Testing Service, the company behind the test, is ending service in Canada after this month.


When the end of the program was announced last year, provinces were left to find their own solutions.

Isn’t privatization grand?

It’s not so much that I love winter, but rather the wildfire smoke really puts a damper on summer.

80 year old good Samaritan pushes a woman out of the way of an oncoming vehicle, dies as a result. According to his son, he was always helpful.

That’s an argument to end the exploitative TFW program and increase unionization rates. Not against immigration generally.

Concerns over immigration are mostly about the economy



It is incorrect to think of economic activity as a limited resource that must be defended against the rapacious outsider. Economic activity is not only consumed by people, but also created by them. Value is a product of human labour. In fact, Canada should be looking to increase it’s population rapidly so that the market that exists here can develop enough of a gravity of its own that we aren’t so reliant on the US market.

Outsourcing and automation have been far, far more impactful with regards to wages. NAFTA (now CUSMA) as well has hollowed out a lot of our economy so that the only real growth sectors are resource extraction which feeds the US market, and real estate. Protectionism is a bit of a dirty word however I think it’s necessary to develop industries where we can create value-added products out of our own natural resources, and ultimately build a much more varied and healthy economy. And we need far more people than we are birthing locally to do that.

What’s going on in Palestine is a genocide. But trying to diminish what this guy experienced is pretty ghoulish. Should he just get over it and focus on more important matters? Should we all not put any time aside to feel empathy for this person because we apparently can only find that empathy for one thing at a time?

Time and a place.

Unfathomable. I couldn’t even begin to approach understanding what that poor man must be going through.

There is no god. Every moment of your life you spend thinking about that is wasted.

I’m in favour of this. Not because I have any particular faith in the RCMP, but because I trust the OPS even less.

Thanks for the heads up, I’ve edited the title to reflect the change.

By and large these are Canadians we are talking about. They absolutely do have rights under our system.

I will bang the drum for social housing every time. The housing crisis is a solved problem, we just need the will to bring that solution here. Vienna, Austria, is the most livable city in the world and it has achieved this through extensive social housing where the majority of residents in the city live in it.


https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/23/magazine/vienna-social-housing.html (archive)



Burnaby, BC has recently created a municipal housing authority tasked with creating housing like this. I am very interested in moving there as a result.

This ruling applies country wide so don’t sit on it if you’re outside of BC.

Class members who make claims on the $14.4-million settlement can expect to receive between $17.50 and $150 each, depending on how many people submit a claim for the settlement money, he said.

Not a princely sum, but no reason to leave it sitting on the table.

I figured it’d be a cold day in hell before I aligned with a Chamber of Commerce on an idea, but I guess even they can see the sense in single payer health care systems.

Palestine solidarity activists across Canada co-ordinated blockades at the offices of several arms manufacturers this week

I highly doubt we were going to airdrop arms.

In fairness, Canada has called for a ceasefire now. But putting it into effect is out of our hands. Realistically the ball is in the USA’s court and our ability to help directly is going to be limited.

That’s exactly how the article suggests setting the maximum.

Damn. I don’t have anything like that but I do have a few boxes of magic cards I haven’t looked at in a few years. Maybe someday they’ll save me from all this drudgery.

In fact I’d be very surprised if it is not. Last winter we got a decent amount of snow in my area. Not this year.

It’s only fair since I’m sure we’ll be asking them to return the favour shortly.