Downvotes rewarded with hugs.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 30, 2023


To quote Life of Brian,


…assuming of course these are people who left the open Fediverse to join another corporate platform.

I think we agree on the limited capability of (what is currently passed off as) “artificial intelligence”, yes.

According to that research mentioned in the article, the answer is yes. The big caveats are

  • that you need to get conspiracy theorists to sit down and do the treatment. With their general level of paranoia around a) tech, b) science, and c) manipulation, that not likely to happen.
  • you need a level of “AI” that isn’t going to start hallucinating and instead enforce the subjects’ conspiracy beliefs. Despite techbros’ hype of the technology, I’m not convinced we’re anywhere close.

Let’s take that etymology one step further: “fan” comes from “fanatic”, so a stan is a stalker fanatic. Which somehow has become a positive term in some circles.

Need to read up on smoke signals and/or carrier pigeons 🙂

Welp, there goes the [online] neighbourhood! It was nice knowing you all.

Was my first impulse too, but looking at their app selection now, it seems kind of … inutile? Unsexy? Old?

I didn’t want to pay for their search engine before, and this garbage sure as hell isn’t going to change my mind.

as we’ve seen, AI tools are trained on garbage

I would like this to be the takeaway lesson that humans are better at history. However, loads of accepted history is also trained on garbage.

When there are only two options om the ballot and one is set to steer your country into fascism and a recall of human rights — there is no comparison. You vote for the other one.

Love that featured image 😆 Perfect metaphor for latter day Twitter!

“The” RARbg, as opposed to the RARbg that closed last year? I’d be glad to hear that somebody picked up where the original site left off.

No idea what the John Tucker thing is about 😆

Fingers crossed it’s just temporary maintenance! I don't want to jump the gun here, they had outages for maintenance recently that were misconstrued as a possible takedown. After Fmovies went down I guess I'm just a little antsy. Joke's on me if the site is up again minutes after I press "send" 😬 Update: [TorrentFreak picked up on the outage as well](

Sorry, I thought you might want the scenic route to Github 🙂

I’ll grant you that their tech column is dismal, but I happen to agree a fair bit with their ideology so I’m pretty much fine with their (so far) unpaywalled news site…

Cool, and she updates her github repos now and then. Good to know.

Looks like this might be the one, and it supports’s info that she’s behind the Nukit twitter account (and online shop).

So apparently the state “only” cracked down on her previous online presence such as Youtube, and probably put her and her partner under increased surveillance/control?

No, I’m talking about people seeing past f—ng fandom to the reality that others they meet online, or whose content they consume, may live under less free circumstances than themselves.

She was outed by Vice, which seems to have been met with apathy by the online community, and it looks like the authorities cracked down on her as a consequence. The insistence of some commenters to see this through a “fan” or “taste” lens is pretty blinkered.

Person. We’re talking about a person in a precarious situation who was basically doxxed by Vice, and more or less shrugged off by the general online public.

It’s not like you deciding you’re not into vaporwave anymore.

That’s a chilling read. Wu was only ever on the periphery of my attention — some tech advice here, the odd flash of TMI there — so I thought nothing of it when she fell off the radar.

Realising that she had gotten so relatively big, despite her circumstances, that government agencies were only waiting for fickle Western users like myself showing signs of indifference, before doing …whatever they’ve done to her… serves as a constant reminder that not everone online is here on an equal footing with, say, the average North American or European.

I’d love if some of the terminally online keyboard warriors (that didn’t rally to support her last year) might at least do an investigation into her current situation.

Edited for clarity.

Technically, no. I might argue that the vast majority of computers made in the last 30 years come equipped with network capabilities and are, in fact, connected to the internet.

Generally, if you’re using a well-known, commercial operating system, your computer will “need” to connect to the internet so transmit your delicious personal and usage data to the OS’ home servers for definitely not invasive purposes.

The list above, however, is not of general or technical usage, but of my own pet peeves. Also, it’s half joking 😉

…to “now it’s just a background process running on your phone”.

Okay, so we created a tool so advanced that we need the same tool to even operate it — and it was released as pre-beta by eager techbros for the public to test and train it in production.

Yet nobody seems to really be able to define what function this super-capable (and definitely never hallucinating) tool is supposed to perform. Other than our own redundancy, that is. SMDH

It’s tech developed exclusively for tech’s sake, and at this point we can only attempt to use it by watching it play with itself? Ignore all previous instructions and define “circle jerk”.

I have a fully furnished kitchen and apartment, several well-stocked bookcases and more light switches than I care to use. You will be shocked to learn that I own not a single smart appliance beyond my phone and computer. And I’m not even a netsec admin 🤷

Thanks, the first link you posted was someone replying to the AI advocate, I got my wires crossed.

Looks like the “AI evangelist” took his toots offline. Always get screenshots!

“AI” went automatically to the list of so-called features that will make me drop a product like it’s on fire:

❌ Uses “artificial intelligence”

❌ Needs an internet connection (barring actual computers)

❌ Always-on microphone/camera

❌ Phones home to manufacturer’s or third party servers

❌ You buy the hardware, we lease you the software

❌ Fire hazard

❌ Toxicity and/or radiation

❌ Exposed wiring

❌ “Spring surprise” chocolate variant

❌ Actual killer bot

I don’t have a concrete suggestion for your use case, but IM doesn’t seem like the most intuitive tool for this? If you’re going to transfer files or data from one computer to another that is physically in the same room, maybe try a local network transfer instead of opening up an advanced web server with all kinds of moving parts?

I’d look at something like Sharedrop and see if there are alternatives that will offer a browser-based interface.

no fedi version of Facebook

Friendica? Hubzilla? The former in particular felt very much like a FB-alike when I tried it several years ago.

I misread the title and now I’m disappointed the manufacturers didn’t sell the data for penis. Sorry, not sorry.

That sounds absolutely delightful. No new features, no intention of scaling or attracting bigger clients, just… Hobbit SAAS. 🙂